chapter 13 / epilogue

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back to the present time...

the blue sky was dotted with fluffy white clouds that drifted lazily in the gentle breeze. the city air is fresh this day, almost sweet and floral as the pace of living relaxes to a steadier rhythm. it felt so peaceful.

after a while, he felt someone coming towards him. the approaching footsteps were not particularly light, nor heavy. the familiar figure stood in front of him, a smile spread wide across her face.

taiyou flashed her a welcoming smile that made her feel safe and loved, to which the female, y/n, responded with a hug.

he held her tightly, and in his embrace, the world stopped still on its axis. both of their minds were at peace. he felt her body press in, soft and warm. they've missed each other, so bad that it feels wrong to break out from the hug. finally, they were together once again. finally, they both felt like they were home.

"welcome back." those were the words that came out of taiyou's mouth. as he caressed her hair gently, y/n spoke, "i miss you... and everyone else." he chuckled softly, he heard longing in her voice.

she broke free from the hug and gave him a smile, "it's been a while since i've been in inazuma town! it looks like it has changed quite a bit. and you also grew taller than me even more, the last time i checked, we were just about the same height," she started a conversation, whole-heartedly

oh, she became even more talkative these past few years. how cute. he laughed, "of course, i'd grow taller than you, i heard from your friends that you've been sleeping late recently."

she huffed and puffed her cheeks, "that's because my school gave us too much work, okay? actually, i slept early last night, because if i didn't, i'll miss my flight hehe." taiyou chuckled at her claim.

"fuyuka-san!" she called for the familiar figure that they came across on the street, they considered going to inazuma hospital to visit the nurse, but it's good that they met her earlier than expected. fuyuka opened her arms when she saw the familiar female coming towards her for a hug.

y/n hugged her tightly, and as she let go fuyuka pretended to dramatically wipe her tears, "y/n-chan! i've missed you so much, you've grown!" the two youngsters laughed in unison, "how are you two doing?"

"we're doing just fine, although, i surely miss those times every time you scold us." they all laughed at taiyou's statement. they continued their conversation as they walk the lavender-haired nurse to the hospital.

"thank you for walking me here, don't forget to visit me sometimes. take care you two, goodbye!" the two of them waved back to her, feeling delighted that they got to chat with her. the days they spent in the hospital were remarkable, thanks to the two nurses that took great care of them both.

they visited many places such as the amusement park, and some food restaurants. they are enjoying their time leisurely. after a year of not meeting each other, they surely missed each one's presence. it's good that they still got in contact even though y/n's in another country.

while strolling through the streets of inazuma town, they met familiar faces. "oh! so you're back in japan, y/n," the pink-haired male greeted, he is in his casual clothes. y/n nodded with a smile. "it's good to see you again, y/n, taiyou," the strict yet nice former captain of raimon said.

"are you guys on a date?" [ a wild kariya has appeared! ] kariya asked, sarcastically with a teasing smile plastered on his face.

'i want to rip that smirk out of your stupid face,' both taiyou and y/n thought

y/n sarcastically laughed at his jokester nature, "kirino-san, who might this third-wheeling wild cat be?" kirino and shindou jolted at her remark. oops, got 'em

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