chapter 11

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"how do you know my name? everyone seemed to know who i am." bewildered by what had just happened, she immediately asked him a question as soon as they got to a quiet, peaceful place.

taiyou let out a small laugh, "i'm sorry if you've been so confused this whole time. it's actually a long story... to summarize it all, this is a parallel universe," he said so casually.

now, y/n is much more confused than before, parallel universe? does that even exist? she thought it only exists in science fiction novels. oh, it feels like a dream, as a bookworm, she has read various sci-fi books and this just feels great. or so... maybe not.

"parallel universe? really?! oh, that's so cool, do you mind telling me the details— i- i'm sorry, i got too excited," she sheepishly smiled at him. taiyou, although he was shocked at her reaction, smiled back at her. it was nice seeing her so happy, even though she's extremely confused about what's happening. "sure, sure, i do not mind going into detail but i think i should explain first."

y/n nodded, she is sure to listen carefully on what her 'newly made friend' is going to say. after all, this whole situation just seems so fascinating to her. taiyou sighed, is she going to believe me? she loves reading books and... i just have to tell her, right.

"ehem, long story short, your character seemed to have been altered due to a time paradox that has occurred. and, because of that, you do not know us anymore," he sighed, "it seems to have also affected your interests, as i think you do not play soccer anymore, yes?"

she was taken aback, her? she plays soccer? impossible. she shook her head, confused once again. this whole idea of time paradox, parallel universe whatsoever just gotten more interesting, yet more puzzling. "so you're saying that, in the original timeline, i play soccer?"

"mhm, that's right. then, that confirms my suspicion that you don't play soccer in this timeline. may i ask why?" y/n sighed and sat at the bench nearby, "my parents won't let me play soccer, they want me to focus on my studies. but, there's still a lingering feeling in my heart that tells me to try it out no matter what, i'm not in my rebellion stage yet though," she answered, conveying the last sentence jokingly.

taiyou was dismayed with the fact that this healthy y/n can't play soccer. "so in either timeline, you can't play soccer freely, huh?" he sighed in defeat as he sat beside him.

she looked at him, confused once again, "what do you mean by that? i can't play soccer either in the original timeline?" dissatisfaction and disappointment were heard in her tone.

taiyou doesn't know how to answer her, but he knew he got to tell her in order to convince her, "well, the real you can't play soccer because of an illness. we were the same, that's why we became friends."

y/n let out a sigh, "i see, if we're friends there, then i guess we're friends here too. i don't want the original me to be disappointed that i didn't make friends with you," she said light-heartedly.

he chuckled, "then, would you like to play soccer with me?" he asked, y/n nodded almost immediately which made him smile. "let's see if you have the skills the original you possess!" he grabbed a soccer ball and signaled y/n to follow him.

"i know the basics of soccer, i have little experience with it though," she replied, having read his thoughts. "you really know how to read me." they both chuckled softly. unknown to them, almost the whole raimon team was watching them.

they spent the whole afternoon playing soccer, they had so much fun. taiyou wished he could do the same with the original y/n. "thank you for teaching me how to play, taiyou-kun." he smiled at her, "no, thank you for playing with me. i've always wanted to play soccer with you on a big soccer field."

"then, 'till we meet again, taiyou-kun."

"yeah, see you n/n."

sparkles soon appear around them, "we're almost near to ending this whole discourse," the wavy brown-haired second-year student said. tenma nodded, so did everyone else.

"thank you, taiyou." a voice spoke, and y/n appeared before him, giving him a small smile. he was surprised, but nonetheless, he was happy to let the original y/n feel how it's like to play soccer. yes, she did feel it, it was thanks to this timeline y/n. he chuckled, "you're welcome, miss bookworm."

i totally did not forget about tsurugi while writing this jsjsjsjs. see you next week <33

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