author's note

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this book has finally come to an end, thank you for supporting this book and reading it through the very end! to those who voted, i truly appreciate them.

first of all, i'd like to say sorry if the ending, or this story, disappointed you! second, i'm sorry if this is extremely short, i just really wrote what comes into my mind and expand it a bit :( third, i'm sorry for always forgetting about tsurugi ajsjshshshjssjs, to be honest, it wasn't in my original plan to let the reader meet the tsurugi bros. fourth, i'm sorry for not expanding most of the details in this book, i wanted this book to be short, i never thought of writing a very long one. last, i'm sorry for not showing the nurse, aiko, in the last chapter, i am currently working on a bonus chapter that includes aiko, so stay tuned!

may i also add that midori and nishiki are actually dating, i mean that's obvious right? uh--ehem, i just wanted to say that no "love triangle" or "love angle" happened in this story! the reader and tsurugi see each other as friends, and they have a sibling relationship. he's also the best wingman. it is just like i mentioned in chapter 7, that tsurugi won't play a big part in the story. because first, it wasn't on my original plan. second, i keep forgetting about him akdbsodjs, it's still bothering me. third, i don't want a second lead here!?@(@?!?@($,.  [i honestly don't know why i put this here, i already deleted this...]


i have so much to say, whether it's "thank you" or "sorry", i couldn't say it all.
but to sum it all up, i am really sorry if this disappointed you, and thank you for reading this fanfiction!

i've actually been outside of the fandom for a while, i never thought i'd be able to write an inazuma fanfic again. this might probably be my last fanfic in this fandom, but who knows lol

once again, i could not express enough how grateful i am that you took your time reading this boring book. thank you so much!!! until we meet again, stay safe, see you! <3

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