chapter 9

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"are you not going to watch raimon's match today?" taiyou shrugs at her sudden question, "i end up wanting to play soccer whenever i watch their matches. besides, tenma will definitely win, so i don't have to watch." y/n chuckled at his comment

"okay, see you later, taiyou-kun," she bid goodbye to him for his examinations, taiyou waved back and went inside the room.

y/n feels the same way taiyou does, the more she watches raimon play, the more she wants to play on the soccer field. she was jealous, she envy them. why can they play freely when she can't? it was unfair, the world was being unfair to her. she thought that she had finally accepted her fate of not being able to play soccer freely, needless to say, she always convince herself that other people have it worse.

"oh, hello," a dark-blue-haired male greeted her with a smile, she greeted him back and sat beside his bed. "raimon's match is about to start, shall i turn on the television?" she offered kindly as she grab the remote.

"yes, thank you. sorry to bother you n/n," he said to which y/n responded with "it's nothing." they both watched raimon's match in peace, giving a few comments every time something exhilarating happens, whether it's good or bad. of course, they were quietly cheering on raimon, especially on kyousuke.

"taiyou was right, they'd win," y/n remarked when the match finished, making herself comfortable on her seat. the young man beside her laughed softly, "of course, they will."

after stretching for a bit, y/n stood up from her seat, "then, i bid farewell to you, yuuichi-san. please take care and send my regards to kyousuke." yuuichi only waved back to her with a smile plastered on his face, like always.

whenever taiyou is having his medical examinations or not watching raimon's match, she comes to tsurugi yuuichi's room – kyousuke's brother – yuuichi would always welcome her warmly. he once told him that if she has any problems, she can come ask him for help. after all, they're like siblings. although, she refuses to call him "nii-san" for some reason, "kyousuke might get jealous and claim that i'm stealing his brother from him." she once said, teasingly.

she sighed, "ugh, should i tell him or what?" many thoughts crossed her mind simultaneously. groaning in frustration, she rolled over her bed multiple times until she stopped in an attempt to calm herself. unfortunately, she can't make up her mind whether to tell her friend or not. if i tell him i might not be able to leave properly... but if i don't tell him, i will be leaving without a goodbye. this is so frustrating. she stood up and frantically stomped her feet, it was a hard decision to make.

but in the end, she did not inform him. was she wrong to make that move?

originally, i wouldn't let you, the reader, and yuuichi meet since i don't think it's necessary. although, along the way, i thought that it'd be nice if they meet! see you next week! :D

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