chapter 8

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4 years later...

the day was sunny and mild – a perfect day for playing outside. taiyou was bored in his room, and so, he tried to sneak out of his room. to his delight, the nurse who tended to him wasn't present when he tried to flee from his room, "successfully escaped!" he exclaimed, his face bearing the expression of excitement and enthusiasm.

he examined the area, along the way, he heard a familiar sound, "this sound... hey!" due to the excitement that was rushing through his body, he didn't realize that he was about to run into someone. as they both dropped on the ground, taiyou let out a nervous laugh and smiled sheepishly, "sorry, you okay?" he asked, to which the young male before him replied with "i think."

before they could even properly stand up, they heard somebody shout, it was coming from a kid's voice, "our ball!" both of them glanced at the soccer ball and raced towards it, taiyou jumped on the young male's back and said, "borrowing your shoulders!" he quickly kicked the ball with great strength, to which the chestnut-brown haired male was astounded. the ball almost hit a window but to their relief, a h/c-haired came to the rescue. a relieved sigh came out from the boy whom taiyou bumped earlier, while the kids who owns the ball looked at them stunned.

taiyou playfully grabs the ball from tenma, with a smile plastered on his face, he dribbles. as the two play soccer together, a left-out y/n silently sips her strawberry milk as she sat beside the two kids, "onee-chan, do you play soccer too?" one of the kids asked, she smiled at them, "i do, sometimes," she said as she handed both of them a candy. "thank you, kind nee-chan!" she smiled at their energetic spirits, "i don't really like kids but i guess they're fine."

seeing the chestnut-haired male gets serious and let out a deep sigh, y/n knows that he's that raimon player. well, she was right, tenma stole the ball from taiyou with incredible speed. taiyou was surely amazed, even the two kids beside her exclaimed their excitement with a "whoa."

"not bad," taiyou commented. "you too." after his short response, they heard the two kids imitate them, they clamored, "so cool!" y/n laughed at their act. realizing that the soccer ball isn't theirs, tenma grabbed it and gave it to them, "oh, here's your ball back." the two kids mouthed thanks at them, and waved, the three of them wave back.

taiyou put his hands on the back of his head. "you're one of raimon's players, right?" tenma nodded. "it's so great how you get to play all soccer you want." he said with a defeated sigh. unbeknownst to them, a certain young lady, namely (l/n) (y/n), had left the premises as she saw a certain someone examining the hospital grounds. he continued, "they won't let me play since i'm hospitalized." tenma is now worried, why would a hospitalized person come out here and play? "then maybe you shouldn't be out here..?" taiyou laughs awkwardly "it's fine just once in a while, i guess." by this time, y/n has now sneaked in back in the hospital, "yes! i've escaped fuyuka-sensei today," she thought, mentally patting herself in the process.

"taiyou-kun!" the familiar voice called out which sent shivers down taiyou's spine. "fuyuka-san?!" he exclaimed, nervously. an almost angry fuyuka approached him, raising her eyebrow a bit she said, "so you slipped out of your room again." no, that wasn't a question, it was a statement. taiyou hid behind tenma's back, "but i was getting bored of just being in bed all day," he explained, a nervous laugh followed right after.

with a reprimanding voice, she ordered him, "go back to your room." with no warning whatsoever, taiyou was suddenly behind a tree, "no thanks," he said nervously. he turned to tenma, "once i can get out and play soccer again, let's play soccer together!" tenma responded with a "yeah!"

he waved at tenma and bid goodbye, "be sure to win the next match! i'll be cheering you on!" tenma waved back as he watch his "new" friend run away, "okay! see you!-- wait, did i tell him my name?"

maybe you left because you feel like you were third-wheeling on taiyou and tenma /j

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