The Farm

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Rick raced after Daryl. "Are you okay?"

"No of course not, of course I'm not..they all know now, all of them...they might as well know what my dad and Merle wanted. What..what I was raised for. They might as well know."

"Daryl they do."

"What?!" Daryl screamed. "They what!"

"Merle..when Merle was here he told them..when I was yelling at him to leave. He told them."

" that..what! You just didn't think to tell me? You didn't think didn't think to tell me that the entire pack knew I was supposed to be a breeder bitch to a pack of alphas?"

"I..I'm sorry I thought you could hear us from the inside of the RV." Rick lowered his head.

"I need space." Daryl said as he picked Sophia up and set her on the other side of himself instead of her being on his opposite side. The two pups now huddled together. "I..I need to be alone."

"Daryl we can't do this, we have to just keep driving. can't just skip."

"I can and I will I need to.

"No." Rick demanded and Daryl froze he coudln't move.

"Let me go, let me go now!"

"No, you do not move."

"Fuck you! You swore to me you would never do that, never! You swore you would never use our bond make me do anything! You promised! mother fucker!"

Rick stepped back, he had never heard Daryl speak to him like this. "Daryl Dixon Winchester Grimes, you do not speak to me like that!"

The pups scrambled from the car and raced towards Dean, Cas, and Lori.

"You don't get to use our bond to force me to stay!" He tried to move and it was like his legs were jello. "Let me go."

"Fine Daryl, go see what happens." Daryl pushed past Rick and raced off, he had his weapon strapped to his back.

"Spot watch the pups."

The dog barked in understanding. "Daryl! Where are you going?"

"I need space!" He yelled back as he kept running, he ran into the woods and disappeared. He knew he was being stupid but he needed this. He needed to just be alone.

"Daryl!" But he was gone. "Fuck.."

Sam turned to Rick. "What did you do?"

"He..he didn't know we all knew about his past."

Lori sucked in a breath. "No..that isn't..he shouldn't be out there by himself."

"I know..I..I think we need to just stay here then. Hunker down."

They nodded, they needed to wait for Daryl. Daryl was running, he just kept running, he stopped dead in his tracks as he saw a deer. "Well hello," he smiled as he raised his bow. Yeah, killing something would be good for him.

He took aim but as his arrow shot forward a gunshot rang through the trees. Everyone's head lifted at the sound. Daryl's eyes grew wide as pain spread through his ribcage, not the puppy, not the puppy. He placed his hand on the gunshot wound before his world started spinning. ""

The alpha who had shot him raced towards him. "Oh my god..I just shot an omega."

"A pregnant omega!" Daryl screamed.

His eyes grew wide, Daryl dropped to his knees, he quickly picked the wavering omega up in his arms. Otis raced to his truck and started driving as quickly as he could back towards the farm. Rick, Sam, and Dean were running through the woods following the scent of blood, they stopped dead seeing a deer with both an arrow sticking out of it and a through shot of a gun.

Supernatural / The Walking Dead Omegaverse CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now