Looking Up

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Daryl woke after napping for about an hour, he headed down the stairs to see both of his mates had taken a shower. He smiled seeing Sam and Rick cuddled on the couch, Carl was sitting with them talking about the tattoo on his new father's chest.

"We should get everyone one, not sure how to work that out."

Castiel and Gabe looked between one another. "We can do that, we just have to get permission from everyone." Gabriel replied as he tied some candy wrappers together, handing it to Sophia once it was shaped like an animal.

"I give you permission for myself and Daryl, as long as he doesn't mind." He flicked his eyes up to see him with a smile. "You okay with that."

"Yes." Daryl replied.

"Arlight pretty thing top off." Gabriel smiled, Daryl sucked in a deep breath and did as he was asked. Gabriel set his hand on Daryl's left peck, he smiled as golden light emulated from his hand. Daryl yelped as a slight pain appeared but disappeared instantly. He looked down slightly, he couldn't completely see it but he knew it was there.

Rick and Sam looked between one another. "Damn that's hot Dare." Rick smirked. "You got a few nice tats now."

Daryl blushed as he pulled his shirt back on, Rick unbuttoned his top, Gabriel did the same to Rick. Most of the others went for it, Andrea got it on her left arm. Dale and Hershel were hesitant but each got one as well when Bobby showed off his. Shane accepted the idea and got it on his right arm. Lori and Carol were mostly scared of the idea but once Beth got permission from both Daryl and Hershel and got hers the older women did the same. Maggie and Glenn got it as well, the new mates thought it would be fun to get them on opposite inner arms so when they held hands they would connect. T-Dog was under the impression it could go anywhere (which it could) so he thought it would be funny to get it on his ass.

Gabriel found that to be the most entertaining and made Castiel do it. The younger angel blushed while his mate watched with a slight smirk on his face.

Jimmy, Otis, and Patrica decided not to get one. Carl and Sophia were too young for them now, but they could get them in a few more years. The pups understood, they were a bit younger then Beth so once they turned sixteen they could get one. Daryl liked the idea of this tattoo, meant he would be better protected. He needed to start remembering he was pregnant and he needed to listen to his mates. He needed to stop worrying so much about being brave and strong and just worry about carrying his unborn.

He needed to keep it safe, this world was dangerous enough. He just needed to keep surviving. Gabriel smiled as he watched the pack come together for dinner. Lori had learned not to fuss over Daryl, she offered him a roll which he took but otherwise he made his own plate. Shane, Rick, Dean, and Sam were busy talking about renovation plans while the pups fought over the last roll on the table. Daryl tossed his roll towards them and Carl split it with Sophia allowing Beth, because she was older, to get the full roll.

Beth smiled happily while eating it. Castiel and Gabriel spoke while Spot prowled the front yard, a loud bark allerted them to problems. Sam, Rick, Dean, and Shane headed out with their guns, Daryl watched from the window frustrated beyond belief that he couldn't be out there. Lori stood beside him, her arm linked with his to try and calm him.

As the alphas headed out Rick spotted the issue, thankfully it was only about six walkers. They rushed out and began to stab their heads and shoot. They hadn't been dumb, they had silencers so it wouldn't call more. They returned and washed up before returning to eat, Daryl looked over his mates with a soft smile, he loved them so much.

Everyone continued to eat, this felt right, even with the world how it was they had food, a pack. They were a family, they were happy and for the most part healthy. Daryl had it the worst out of everyone which they felt bad for.

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