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Daryl watched as his alphas spoke about how they would get Charlie back and end the alpha male that ran the compound they now knew as Woodbury. "I want to come," Daryl muttered as Rick and Sam were speaking to Dean and Merle.

"You are not coming with, that alpha wants you dead or to rape you. Either way we aren't just going to let him have you." Rick argued. "Not only does that alpha want to hurt you but we also have the Lucifer issue."

"I don't want to stay here.. I want to go... leave you know."

"Dare," Rick sat across from him with concern, "I can't lose you. Sam and I can't lose you." Rick rubbed his cheek. "Please understand we need you to stay here."

"Are you sure I can't come?"

"Sam and I need you to stay here precious.. I know it's hard..."

Daryl nodded and hung his head, but he had to listen. He knew that much. If he didn't listen to his alphas something bad could possibly happen. Not listening to his alphas got them in this problem with Phillip in the first place. "I just.. I caused this I feel I should come and help."

"You hardly caused any issues, yes you shot him but he was in our territory and wanted to touch you. You had every right to shoot him, not only that but you were injured during the fight and in fact he should have backed down after he was trying to force us to let him see you even give you up. We are not going to allow him to touch you, ever, which means we wont allow him to see you either. I need you to stay here. We need you to stay here. We need you to keep Judith here."

He nodded softly and knew better than to argue with his alphas. He didn't want to make it any worse since they were already struggling. He wanted to meet this girl that Sam and Dean were worried about as well, he was hoping he could help out in some way. However from what they were talking about he assumed they were going to be happier if he just stayed put and stopped arguing or fighting. He decided to just accept it. Take whatever they had to say and allow it to occur for now because he had already put enough problems on the pack.

On his mates.

Daryl left letting them talk, he made his way up to his cell block and. The omega was pacing back and forth with Judith in his arms when he heard a voice coming from his left. He turned and noticed Carl. "Hey pup whats up?"

"Momma.. I just was worried about you and my dads."

"Your dads are fine, they'll be okay. Everyone is going to be fine. We are always struggling to deal with something you know. It's just a lot with the dead around us."

"I know but you usually get to be a part of everything, get to help."

"Not this time puppy, I know it's a lot... we are all struggling. I.. I'm fine." Daryl mumbled trying not to cry, he hardly ever cried but right now was not a good time. He was struggling, struggling so much more than he wanted to admit. He sniffled a bit and Carl wrapped his arms around him tightly concerned for him. He hardly ever saw his mother cry. He stayed close to his mother, while he began to break down. His emotions were starting to hit him like a ton of bricks. He dropped to his knees holding Judith and Carl close to him. His pretty scent was fogged with that of tears. He was tired, extremely tired. He just wanted it all to end, wanted to go back to normal with his pups and just have both his mates.
Merle came inside the cell and froze seeing his brother curled up with his pups with tears streaming down his face. "What's wrong?"

"Momma is just worried about everything." Carl whispered.

Merle muttered something to himself under his breath but didn't have much of an answer or anything else to say. He watched him softly with concern but didn't budge.

Daryl was sobbing, his little whines were heart wrenching but he couldn't do anything to help his brother. He was never any good at that, Rick, Shane and Dean as well as a few other packmates had already left to try and save her and the community members under Philip's control but all Daryl wanted to do was cry and sleep.

Supernatural / The Walking Dead Omegaverse CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now