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Daryl was watching the pups run around the yard, they were more cautious with the monsters coming out of the woodworks. Sam knew their own lives were safer with them knowing that they existed. Bobby and Otis were talking about the future of this place. Otis was lifting some boxes when Hershel came stepping out of the home while the pups were running around together. Sophia and Beth were giggling while they chased their brother around. Spot was playing with them as well, Daryl found the hell hound interesting.

Gabriel sat beside Daryl patting his back. "How you feeling?"

"Good," Daryl smiled. "Now that I can hold down food."

"I'm glad you are, you're smelling like vanilla now, to everyone." He smirked, a few people had picked up the scent now. Sam and Rick smiled with pride smelling the omega's vanilla scent waft through the farm. Daryl grinned as he set his hand on his stomach, he honestly felt pride but fear as well. He continued to pat his stomach watching the pups, Maggie whistled for mealtime and the pups came running in. The others began to come in, Daryl stood up as Rick and Sam came through. They sat beside their omega happily, the hierarchy of the pack growing strong as they began to fill up plates.

Daryl first, it was always the omega first. Daryl piled his plate with stuff he could handle and his own stuff, then Rick and Sam. Once the prime's put food on their plates the elders were to put food on their own plates. Then the other alphas, then the pups, then the betas. Daryl watched as he ate happily. Spot curled up under the table. Daryl snickered as Sophia tossed a pea at Carl who yelped at her.

Once they finished eating Carl took off after Sophia was on the run from her brother. Spot stuck close to Daryl. He smiled and pet the dog as Beth and Maggie helped clean dishes. Daryl watched out the window when he saw a look of terror on Carl's face, and Sophia wasn't there. Daryl got up quickly, he raced out the door with Sam behind him.

"Where is she?" Daryl asked.

"Walkers! A whole bunch of them! A horde!" He screamed. Sam told Carl to run towards the home and get everyone in the cars.

"Daryl go, I'll get Sophia!"

"No! I need to help too." He barked with his bow in his hand. He was pissed off, he had to help with his little girl.

"You're pregnant, go."

Daryl snarled, he was angry but once Sam told him he had to go back he had to. Being his mate he had to listen. He raced off towards the house, he helped pack up cars, everyone was doing the same. They wouldn't lose their supplies, they couldn't lose everything. Daryl made sure all the pups were in a car when he saw her, she was racing through the woods and Sam had gone the other way.

He raced towards the blonde child running through the woods. He scooped her up quickly when he saw the blood. "No, no what happened?" He cried as he backed up shooting the dead with his arrows.

"Bit..I bot bit." She cried out clinging to him.

He whined in panic as he raced her towards the cars, but they got cut off by the dead. He growled and wrapped her in his arm and kept going. They would meet up on the road, it was their meat up spot, and they knew they would be fine if they made it there.

Daryl snarled as he back up he saw one of the cars left and he ran towards it. Sophia crying in his arms. "God what..what the hell..." He whimpered in anger. Sam ran back to their pack, he didn't see Daryl and knew he had gone off after Sophia despite him saying otherwise.

"Where is he?"

"He's got to be alive, come on we just have to get to the meeting spot! Now."

They all drove that way, Patrica was ripped from Beth's hand and Otis died fighting the dead. Shane screamed as Otis went down. Jimmy was sobbing, Shane scooped the young man up and ran him to the truck. Rick had to set the barn on fire, all the work they had put up was in flames now. The dead came in a large horde, they had followed an explosion. The CDC had gone up like a bomb, and when they heard Sophia and Carl playing their course changed fate.

Daryl was sobbing as he laid Sophia in the car, he drove towards the street they claimed as a meet up spot. Sophia was crying. "I'm sorry sorry momma sorry sorry."

"Stop, you didn't do it..you didn't." Daryl was whining. They got stopped by the hoard again and he didn't want to put them in more danger. Sophia was wheezing, blood covering herself. Daryl was covered in her blood as well. This wasn't supposed to happen, this wasn't supposed to happen.

The pup cried until she stopped moving, "No! No don't fucking die on me! No!"

Sophia's breathing was gone, the barn and farm taken over and in flames. His mates were worried sick about the omega as was the pack. Everyone else had made it to the meet up spot, Andrea was calming Dale down who thought he saw them and didn't get to them in time. Bobby was helping Hershel cope with the loss of the farm. Maggie held Beth and Jimmy. Glenn stood over the small sobbing pile to protect them from anything that came their way.

Lori held Carl while Rick and Sam paced, Shane was talking to Dean and the angels about their next moves. T-Dog watched his pack with concern, the scent of vanilla gone now. Carol was sobbing, her daughter was out there and because of that so was Daryl. Their pack was still very large, even with the loss of Otis and Patrica. They were holding out hope for Daryl and Sophia.

"I told him to go back!" Sam snarled feeling terror in his chest.

Spot was pacing, he had lost track of the omega when he told him to stay with Carl. "I'm sure he saw Sophia and you were in the other direction. He was just saving the pup." Rick replied. "He will be fine."

"Sophia! Sophia no! You can't..you can't die no..no no.." Daryl slammed his fist on the dashboard. "No!"

Sophia's hand began to move, he was holding out hope until her eyes opened. They were glazed over, she lunged for him. He growled cursing god as he had to slam his crossbow into her. He was out of arrows.

She clawed and snapped but he managed to get the door open and run. He couldn't kill her, he just couldn't. If he couldn't kill a pup he didn't even know he couldn't kill her. He ran off dodging the dead panting in terror. The tires of the truck had been trapped by the dead he had ran over so it wasn't worth it.

He could hardly see in the dark, but being pregnant brought forth more primal features in his body. He raced through the dead trudging towards the pack, he knew he could make it as long as he didn't pass out. He kept going, just running through the darkness. That was when he saw her and she saw him.

An alpha woman with two walkers in chains, she smelt the vanilla within seconds and killed the two walkers beside her racing to his side. "My pack is on the highway.." He managed out as he collapsed in her arms.

She quickly picked him up bridal style and made her way towards the highway. Rick and Sam were panicking until they smelt the vanilla, and blood, and an unknown alpha. They raced towards the scent, the women stopped dead scenting the two alphas. "He's alive." She spoke out. "Smells like blood, saw him stumbling through the woods. Should keep better track of your omega."

Rick raced to take him from her arms. "You may join us, you saved our mate, we owe you our life."

She nodded her lips pursing as she looked over the two. "Our mate?"

"We share him." Sam replied. "As well as each other."

She snickered at the thought but followed them up to the highway, everyone raced to his side. Herschel and Gabriel checked him over for wounds, the blood wasn't his. It was Sophia's. Carol sobbed into Lori's arms. The two beta's holding one another. Michonne cocked her head at Andrea who smiled at her with interest. Their eyes met and a small spark seemed to occur. Castiel smiled, soulmates.

Daryl woke after Spot licked his face. "Sophia got bit." He cried out into Rick's arms. Carl's eyes grew wide he blamed himself for her death. "She..she died in the back of the truck..I tried..tried."

Rick caressed him. "Shh now. You're safe, the alpha women saved you."

Daryl sobbed as Rick and Sam held him close to themselves. They would protect their omega, and they had to protect their pack out in the world with the winter coming soon. This would be life or death for everyone and they wouldn't lose anyone else.

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