Stuck with the Haywoods

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Summer/Grace's POV
I was walking to the Haywood's house after crying for two hours. I just want to talk to Freddy about this. It was raining hard and the wind was blowing too. I came to the place, took a deep breath, and knocked on the door. I saw Freddy when he opened the door. I was shivering while he was staring at me.

Freddy/Tuck- (Shocked) Summer, what are you doing here in this weather?
Summer/Grace- Just let me in.

I walked inside soaking wet and everyone was looking at me confused...

Cassidy- Why are you here?
Beau- Cassidy.
Cassidy- Just asking.
Summer/Grace- I am so sorry for coming like this but I was at the lake and I had a bad day.
Freddy/Tuck- I can tell you were crying because your eyes are still red, what happened?

Just before I said something, I hear sirens...

Summer/Grace- Let me guess... Tornado?
Beau- Yep, everyone to the basement.

We all headed to the basement...

Freddy/Tuck's POV
I was helping my dad along with my brothers but I was still worried about Summer. I was about to go to her when Brody pulled me to the side...

Freddy/Tuck- What do you want?
Brody- What makes her special?
Freddy/Tuck- (Confused) What?
Brody- You're not being flirty with her, You don't flirt with her, you don't try to kiss her or anything. What makes her different from the other girls you went out with?
Freddy/Tuck- She's my best friend.
Brody- Oh really, because it seems like she's more than just a friend. Maybe I should tell her that you flirt with girls.
Freddy/Tuck- (Angrily) And if you do, you're dead so Shut up.

I headed to Summer and sat down on the chair. She still looks sad...

Freddy/Tuck- So are you going to tell me what happened to you?
Summer/Grace- (Takes a deep breath) You remember how I told you that Maya sign me up for a teen fashion modeling job that I always wanted to get in?
Freddy/Tuck- Yeah, what about that?
Summer/Grace- I got in.
Beau- That's fantastic. Why aren't you happy about it?
Summer/Grace- None of the other girls, I was the only one who got in, and now everyone saying that the reason I got in was because I'm the "Perfect Princess Girl".
Freddy/Tuck- (Shocked and mad) What?
Summer/Grace- Yeah
Cassidy- But are they wrong?
Bailey- Casey.
Cassidy- I'm just saying.

Summer groans in sadness and slaps her face into her hands. She's sad because everyone calls her perfect from her looks but I know her from her personality.

Freddy/Tuck- Hey Sum (Grabs Summer's chin and lifts it) You got in because you're talented, I've seen a lot of your pictures on Instagram and even I'm impressed.
Summer/Grace- Really?
Freddy/Tuck- Of Course.
Summer/Grace- Thanks, Freddy.

I smiled at her knowing she was OK.

Chloe- Hey Grace, are you single as in you don't have a boyfriend?
Summer/Grace- (Confused) No, why?
Chloe- Hey Tuck, are you single, as in you don't have a girlfriend?
Freddy/Tuck- (Confused) No?
Chloe- So why not ask her out? (Pointing to Summer/Grace)

We looked at her weirdly.

Brody- (A little jealous) Ummm... Chloe, what are you doing?
Chloe- What does it look like I'm doing?
Summer/Grace- Wow sassy, you go girl.

Summer and Chloe high five.

Cassidy- Hey Grace, you're not a gold digger, right?

Everyone looks at her, I was mostly angry. Why did Cassidy say that?

Summer/Grace- What? No!!
Freddy/Tuck- Cassidy, can I have a word with you?
Cassidy- Sure.

No one's POV
Freddy/Tuck and Cassidy went to the stairs to talk about what she asked Summer/Grace.

Cassidy- What?
Freddy/Tuck- Why did you ask Summer if she was a gold digger?
Cassidy- I was just curious.
Freddy/Tuck- That was not very nice of you and she's not a gold digger.
Cassidy- But she looks like one.
Freddy/Tuck- Cassidy, why are you judging her by her looks?
Cassidy- Because I always thought she would have glasses and braces not... that?

The two looks at Summer while she's talking and laughing.

Freddy/Tuck- Cassidy listen, I know that she isn't what you thought she would be but she's not a gold digger and she'll never be and you're being really mean to her. You can just judge her by her looks because she gets very upset when people do that. If you make her cry, you will regret it.

I walked away from Cassidy and went back to Summer. Cassidy sat down again and kinda felt sorry.

Chloe- Hey, I how you don't mind me asking but why did School of Rock end?
Beau- Yeah, I wonder that too. What happened?
Fremmer- (Angrily) Clark.
Bailey- Who?
Freddy/Tuck- The only kid out of the entire school who rules and everyone hates him.
Summer/Grace- Yeah, he was on our tail at the very beginning. He tried to expose us but we were mostly one step ahead of him until Principle Mullins found out.
Freddy/Tuck- However, Principle Mullins wasn't going to say anything because if she did she would be fired. But Clark told our parents and that's how School of Rock ended.
Summer/Grace- What happened to Clark and most of our friends?
Freddy/Tuck- I haven't seen the rest of our classmates, I ran into Kale and Asher and they are dating and I heard that Clark got into big trouble.
Summer/Grace- What kind of trouble?
Freddy/Tuck- Principle Mullins decided to sue him for almost getting her fired. So she told his parents that he tried to get kids into trouble and he ended up in a Military school for kids who are disrespectful kids.
Brody- That sounds like a place for you because you...
Freddy/Tuck- (Angrily and Teeth together) Shut... Up.

Brody shuts up and Summer/Grace looks confused but ignored it.

Summer/Grace's POV
Brody tried to say something but Freddy made him stop, I would why. Is Freddy hiding something?

After the storm ended, I ended up staying with the Haywoods because it was very late at night already. I was able to call my grandmother and tell her where I am. I was supposed to sleep on the floor in Freddy's room in a sleeping bag but we fell asleep while watching a movie. Before I fell asleep, I felt Freddy kiss my head and said...

Freddy/Tuck- Goodnight Sum.

Freddy/Tuck's POV
Summer fell asleep so I kissed her head.

Freddy/Tuck- Goodnight Sum.

And I fell asleep myself.

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