Masquerade Party Revenge

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(The costumes are on the previous page)

No one's POV
Summer/Grace was at the Haywood's house getting ready for the party. Bailey, Beau, and Chloe were done so Summer/Grace got ready in Bailey's room. Freddy/Tuck is hoping he'll have the convenience to tell Summer/Grace how he felt. But Brody is going to ruin his plan. He found out about their middle school relationship story and has a plan to ruin it after Brody being in Tuck's shadow. Tuck always makes Brody hide in his shadow. Brody is about to make Tuck feel the same way he was treated.

Freddy/Tuck's POV
I was heading downstairs with my siblings. Bailey and daddy were downstairs waiting for us.

Brody- I can not believe how cool your costume looks.
Freddy/Tuck- Believe it. Daddy can we pick up Sum?
Beau- We don't have to.
Brody- Why?
Bailey- Because She's here.

I looked at the stairs and Summer looks so gorgeous. I was able to control myself not to expose that I have a crush on her but in my mind is a whole different story.

Summer/Grace- How do I look?
Freddy/Tuck- Wow, you look wow (Sees her hair) You colored your hair?
Summer/Grace- It's just for tonight. I'll wash it out tomorrow.
Bailey- Shall we get going?

We headed to the party and it was very cool. We got a table and I was mostly talking and laughing with Sum. I really want to tell her about me being her Secret Admirer and the truth about me being a flirt/player. I hope she doesn't get too mad.

Summer/Grace's POV
I was talking with Freddy most of the time and I was very happy. My goal for tonight is to find out if Freddy is my Secret Admirer. I have his bracelet with me and I really want to know the truth and maybe ask if he's a flirt. I don't want him to but the thought of it is stuck in my head.

I was talking to Freddy while having some food with his family until...

??- Well... well... well, what do we have here?
Fremmer- (Shocked) Clark!!?
Summer/Grace- (Confused) Who's dressed like a waiter?
Clark- (Embarrassed) Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm a waiter at the party. Do want some cupcakes?
Freddy/Tuck- Are you working for the party?
Clark- (Embarrassed) Yep. After you left and I got stuck in Boarding School, I have to work at restaurants and parties.
Summer/Grace- Well that's sucks.
Clark- (Mesmerized) You look beautiful Summer. Do you want to dance?
Freddy/Tuck- (Mad and Jealously) She'll pass Clark.
Clark- (Mad and Jealously) You may have won this challenge but not the battle Frederick of Clarrrrk... 
Fremmer- Go Away Clark!!

Clark left and we signed in relief that he's gone.

Chloe- Now I understand why you hate him.
Cassidy- Yeah, he's weird.
Summer/Grace- He's a weasel.
Freddy/Tuck- Yep and loves to get people in trouble for no reason.
Beau- Now that is the second most annoying person I've seen.
Bailey- Who's the first?
Beau- The Kids.
The Haywoods- (Annoyed) Seriously/Why/What?
Beau- There's my point.

Soon we started to hear Rewrite the Stars from The Greatest Showman. I loves the movie and even forced Freddy to watch it with me. That gives me an idea and a little bit of confidence...

Summer/Grace- Hey Freddy?
Freddy/Tuck- Yeah Summer.
Summer/Grace- Do you... ummm... wanna dance?
Freddy/Tuck- Uhhhh... Sure?

We head to the dance floor and we started to dance. I was feeling like a princess with my prince. I was also singing along to the song and Freddy kinda heard me.

Freddy/Tuck- When did you learn how to sing like an angel?
Summer/Grace- In LA.

Freddy/Tuck's POV
So I just Summer singing and she sounds like one of the Disney Princesses. We started to sing along with the music. And it was magical.

No one's POV
While Fremmer was dancing, Brody got jealous and mad. He was not going to let his brother be happy after everything Tuck has done to Brody.

Brody didn't feel bad for Tuck about what he was going through while Grace was in L.A.

After Fremmer stopped dancing, Freddy/Tuck went to the bathroom. (He is wearing jeans with the costume. A/N: I just kinda wanted to make that clear) But then Brody came in and locked his brother in the bathroom stall. Freddy tried to open it...

Brody- (Laughing) Good Luck getting out.
Freddy/Tuck- (Angrily) Brody, opened the door!!
Brody- Bye!!

Brody left and locked the door and put an "Out of Order" sign.

All the times' Tuck made Brody feel like nothing, turned a toll on Brody. All he wants is revenge, not caring about his brother's feelings.

Brody went to find Summer/Grace and found her by the garden of the place where the party it. She was sitting on the stairs.

Brody- Hey Grace.
Summer/Grace- (Sadly) Oh, Hey Brody.
Brody- (Sits next to her) What's wrong?
Summer/Grace- It's just... have you seen Freddy?
Brody- (Lied) Nope. So... Tuck told me about your relationship story. Do you still love him?
Summer/Grace- Yeah but I'm scared to tell him.
Brody- Well... what if I told you he's your Secret Admirer.
Summer/Grace- (With Hope) He is?
Brody- Yep but he's obviously playing with your feelings. I mean, he's a totally flirt because you went out with someone else in L.A. He even kissed my friend Jo and I have a crush on her.
Summer/Grace- (Sadly) Oh, he... did that?
Brody- Yeah but he stopped flirting with girls for... some reason, I have no idea why. Don't waste your time if you don't want to be brokenhearted.
Summer/Grace- (Confused) OK... I guess?

Summer/Grace was very confused if she should believe Brody or not. Then Brody kissed Summer/Grace on her lips. Summer/Grace didn't kiss back because she was shocked.

Brody let go and left to go back to the bathroom. He unlocked his brother's stall but when he opened it, no one was there. He closed the door but when he turned around, he found an angry Freddy/Tuck.

Brody- (Scared) Hi Tuck.
Freddy/Tuck- (Angrily Pin Brody against the door by his collar) I Am Going To Kill You, Brody Haywood!! What did you do?!
Brody- Nothing.
Beau- (Walks in the bathroom) Hey!! What is going on here? Tuck let go of your brother.

Freddy/Tuck let's go of his brother and Brody was relieved.

Beau- Now, we're going home and we're going to sort this out.

The Haywoods left the party because Summer/Grace wanted to leave. After dropping her off, Summer/Grace went to her bedroom and closed her door. She slides down the door and started crying while still holding Freddy's friendship bracelet. She doesn't know what just happened.

Freddy wants to know what's wrong with Sum but what he did realize is that he was about to murder Brody.

Oh no... I think Brody is in trouble for almost killing Fremmer.

A/N: You know, I do feel bad about how I wrote about Brody because he's nice and kinda the total opposite of Tuck when it comes to girls and dates but I had the idea of what would happen if Tuck fell for someone and Brody wanted to get back at him for that. (This idea was after The Princess and The Cowboy)

I had a School of Rock and County Comfort crossover story idea when Brody took Summer (From School of Rock) to the barn and kissed her. When Freddy/Tuck found out, he couldn't control his anger and almost killed Brody and his friends and family were there.

I have no idea where the idea came from but it was cool at first until I realized, this was just dangerous. I tried to put it in this book. Please forgive me if this scares you.

Also random question, Would you rather go on a date with Brody Haywood or Tuck Haywood? (Comment below)

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