2.1 Thriller Live

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In the next few days, Qi Huan was busy with his graduation thesis while doing science popularization of social life for P. He was too busy to touch the ground. After eating at noon one day, Qi Huan's head suddenly became dizzy, and the next second, he entered into the dark space that he had come to before.

The familiar mechanical sound resounded in the void.

[Player Qi Huan is welcome to enter the redemption game for the second time, and the first-level game copy is now released - 'Thriller Live']

[The player has ten minutes to repair, and will be sent to the copy in ten minutes. 】

The second time he entered the game, Qi Huan was no longer so at a loss. If there was no game, he would have died in the experimental building. The survival time obtained in the last game was 30 days, and now there are 25 days left. Earn every month.

Qi Huan remembered that he had obtained the props in the dungeon, and with a silent recitation in his heart, the scalpel suddenly appeared in his hand.

At present, the redemption store only opens the team props, and there is no need to purchase. Qi Huan silently waited for ten minutes to end, then opened his eyes again, and there were already several people in front of him.

Wen Xiu arrived before him, and when he saw him shouting "Brother Qi", he ran over, "Brother Qi, I was worried that the props for our team would be invalid, but fortunately you are here."

Wen Xiu is still the same . Dressed up, wearing pink hair, the brightest and brightest in the crowd, he ran to hug Qi Huan, and the eyes of the other players suddenly turned around.

At this time, the virtual projection screen in front of Qi Huan was refreshed.

[Dungeon background: This is a small live entertainment company, which mainly focuses on late-night spiritual live broadcasts. The clicks on the Internet are extremely popular. You and your group are newcomers who have come here because of their fame. They are going to sign a company to become an anchor. They all mysteriously disappeared in the end. ]

[Dungeon mission: Solve the mystery of the dungeon within five days, the player who clears the stage first will get thirty days of life, and the other players who survive will get half of the life days. 】

Wen Xiu was hanging on Qi Huan's body. After reading the background and tasks of the dungeon, he turned off the screencast.

They are now in front of an old residential building, and the surrounding environment is extremely dirty. There are five players who have entered the level together, three men and two women. There was a lonely man who was looking at them in panic, a newcomer.

Qi Huan was the last player, and soon after everyone gathered, a young girl came downstairs.

"Are you here to sign up for Ghost Live?" the girl asked, "I'm HR, come upstairs with me."

There are six floors in this dilapidated residential building. There is no elevator inside the residential building, so you can only take the stairs. , The environment in the stairs is dirty and chaotic, with all kinds of domestic garbage and some bottles and cans waiting to be sold. There are all kinds of dust scratches on the walls and small leaflets that unlock the sewer. There is also a thin layer on the handrail. Qi Huan couldn't believe that a live broadcast company opened in such a place.

The girl seemed to see their doubts and explained: "Our company is relatively small, and the house is owned by the boss, so we can save the cost of renting and renting the venue, and we can invest the funds in shooting tools and content output. Your new anchor also I can live here and reduce my living expenses, and the salary of our company is good, which is actually quite good..."

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