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Die Xian quickly grabbed the player's neck, ready to drag into the mobile phone to kill, but the action that could be completed in three seconds in the past seems to be holding down the pause button at this time.

No matter how hard he tried, the person in his hand was silent and rock solid, completely different from the players it strangled before!

This is unscientific, how could a player be so quiet under it.

Die Xian lowered his head and looked down with his empty eyes, only to realize that he seemed to have found the wrong target for punishment.

This sense of oppression is so profound that its soul can't help but tremble.

——Although I don't know the identity of the other party, I intuitively told Die Xian that this is the big guy that it can't afford to offend.

Ghosts are best at judging the situation, talking to people when they see people, talking to ghosts when they see them. After he tried to find that the people under him were completely motionless, he slowly released them and retracted the projection screen in the air little by little, trying to pretend that nothing happened. .

Just go back to the online world and it's safe.

However, at this time, Pei Luo was surprised and speechless. How could he encounter ghosts in the real world? And the ghost dared to provoke him.

Suddenly the two sides fell into a strange and harmonious atmosphere.

When Die Xian was only half a head away from returning to the online world, Pei Luo's thin lips parted lightly, and he spit out two words coldly.

"Come out."

When Die Xian heard the big brother's words, he couldn't help shaking his body, but he still wanted to turn to death. Unexpectedly, he felt a powerful force and directly pulled it out of the online world.

Die Xian fell to the ground, his mind went blank, what kind of underworld operation is this?

Pei Luo was too lazy to talk nonsense, even if his divine power is currently declining, as long as he raises his hand, this low-level ghost can be wiped out, but at this time he has more important things to ask, "How can the ghosts in the redemption game come to the real world? , didn't the rules tell you the consequences?"

The master of Pei Luo died, and humans were not very familiar with him, but before he fell asleep, he was the god of all ghosts and accepted the worship of ghosts, and no ghosts did not know him.

Two hundred years ago, in order to redeem the wronged ghosts, Pei Luo created a new world. The rules of the new world are self-contained. Humans who are dying can cross the two realms of reality and games. Survive in the game of redemption according to the rules, do not enter reincarnation, but cannot cross the two realms like humans.

The most important iron law is the restraint on ghosts. They must not disturb the normal life of human beings. This way, to a certain extent, the safety of human beings can be guaranteed, and the grievances of ghosts can also be resolved.

When creating the redemption game, Pei Luo only established ten small worlds, and the subsequent small worlds can be expanded according to the rules. The level of the small world is different, and the ghost's ability is also different. The ghost in front of him is obviously just a wild ghost with extremely low ability. Dare to violate the most serious world rules.

In the past, for wild ghosts who violated the rules, Pei Luo directly let their souls fly away, but maybe he has been in contact with Huan Huanzi more recently, and Pei Luo's character has a little humanity.

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