Chapter 61 The Real World (06)

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Back in the real world, it was already three o'clock in the morning. The lights in the dormitory were turned off early. Qi Huan stood there alone with the corners of his mouth cocked in joy for a while before turning on the lamp on the desk.

Guessing that the time was almost there, Qi Huan first sent a text message to Wen Xiu to report safety, and when he wanted to call Pei Luo, he realized that he did not have Pei Luo's contact information.

Qi Huan quickly re-downloaded LOVE with traffic, and after logging in, made a voice call to Pei Luo.

He really couldn't wait for a moment.

Pei Luo stood in the empty amusement park, and all the NPCs had been wiped out, except for the painted ghosts far away in the performance hall. The ghosts killed in the world of redemption will re-enter reincarnation and reincarnate as human beings. This is what Pei Luo often does before falling asleep, so as to maintain the stability of the two worlds.

The tip of the Qinglei sword dripped blood, and Pei Luo looked indifferent, and instantly moved to the orange area. The phone in his pocket rang. He stopped to stick the sword in the ground and took out the phone.

No one could contact him except Qi Huan. After Qi Huan's graduation ceremony, Pei Luo took out the gold bars that had been deposited in the Swiss bank and used it to buy basic daily necessities. The first thing he bought was a mobile phone.

The wisdom passed down by human beings from generation to generation is extremely valuable, especially when he was sleeping for two hundred years, the world was changing upside down, even if he was a god, he had to admit that with the rapid progress of science and technology, he also needed to adapt to the current human society.

It was Qi Huan, and the indifference on Pei Luo's face melted away. If the reincarnated ghost could come back, seeing Pei Luo at this time would definitely be shocked.

This terrifying man just didn't blink his eyes, a little ghost with a sword, like a killing machine without emotion, will he laugh too?

Too bad they can't see it.

Pei Luo transferred the voice call, and the child's cautious voice came from the phone, "Are you back, Pei Luo?"

Pei Luo was about to enter the performance hall. Hearing that, he glanced at the door and had to teleport back to the escape exit. The red light circle was very eye-catching in the Ferris wheel area. He replied, "Go back." The

next second, Pei Luo appeared outside the gate of University A. At three o'clock in the morning, the academy road was empty and there was no one.

Qi Huan sat in front of the desk, the call seemed to be stuck for a while, and then returned to normal. He didn't care, thinking that the signal in the mountains was not good.

The purpose of calling late at night was to confirm Pei Luo's safety. Now that he knew that Pei Luo had returned safely, Qi Huan relaxed in vain. He used to consume too much energy in the world of redemption. Every time he came back, he had to make up for sleep, but this time he was very excited. , he poked his finger at the screen, like he was poking Pei Luo's face.

The two were silent, and the sound of each other's breathing was clearly transmitted through the microphone, but neither of them hung up first.

After a while, Qi Huan summoned his courage, "You didn't lie to me, did you?"

Pei Luo looked at the campus of University A and deliberately said, "What are you lying to?"

"It's just about coming back to be my boyfriend!" Qi Huan I'm anxious, listening to Pei Luo's tone seems to be cheating, "You can't lie to me, otherwise I won't let you go, I'll go to Tingjiu Mountain to pull a banner and let everyone know that you are treachery!"

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