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"I went to the house to be a guest and found out that Ms. Della has passed away for two years, and her second daughter has also passed away. The day after tomorrow is her third daughter's birthday." Qi Huan slowly explained the background of the system settings.

Sure enough, the proprietress knew something, and after hearing Qi Huan's words, her expression darkened, "I advise you to leave early, don't provoke these things, Della and her daughter are both cursed, this is what the gods did to her. Punishment."

"How can there be a god in this world." Qi Huan smiled, "I'm sorry, I'm an atheist, I don't believe in ghosts and gods, can you tell me about the situation at that time?"

"Sir, you Still too little experience, you must be full of reverence for the gods, who watch over all living beings in the sky, he gives shelter to those who submit to him, and punishes those who are unfaithful to him, Della betrayed the gods, so the gods took her back life."

Qi Huan frowned, thinking that even if there is a god, would he be so free to observe all beings? In his eyes, human beings are nothing but tiny gravel.

As for the world of redemption, ghosts are mostly weak people who are treated unfairly. They are born out of resentment. After they become ghosts, they have vengeance and revenge.

I just heard the proprietress continue: "It started when Della got married. Della was pure and kind, she fell in love with the little man Otto, and was fascinated by him, so she insisted on marrying him. I followed him. The master is an apprentice, and I don't know the progress of their relationship. When I come back to my senses, the wedding invitations of Della and Otto have been sent to me."

"It's done, I can only send my blessings and start a new married life. Della is very happy. When she came to chat with me, she had a happy smile on her face, but after two years of marriage, neither of them had any children. They went to the hospital for examination. The doctor said that she was not suitable for pregnancy. Della was very uncomfortable. I can understand her feelings very well, but I can't do anything about it."

"Afterwards, the two of them adopted a baby, and the baby was abandoned at the door of their house. Della couldn't bear it, so she carried it into the house and raised it as her own daughter. "

That daughter is the current eldest Beth?" Qi Huan guessed.

"Yes, maybe this act of kindness touched the gods." The proprietress lowered her head and put her hands together, and whispered, 'May God be with us' before continuing: "Della is pregnant and gave birth to their first child. Donna, I gave birth to Alice three years later."

"Then why do you say Della betrayed the gods?" Qi Huan pondered, according to the lady boss's statement, Della has a good personality, so how could she die.

"It was the child they adopted, who was born with a curse. When Della adopted her, her biological mother left the date of birth in the swaddling swaddling clothes. Della's family industry was declining day by day. Her parents invited a witch to remove the disaster, and the witch asked for instructions. The gods, the gods decreed that Beth is the source of the disaster, and the family can only be saved by abandoning the child."

"But Della refused?"

"Yes, Della insisted on continuing to adopt the child, and the family business was ruined. , only the residence that her parents gave her is left, that is, the current Otto mansion is still there

. She passed away late, the room was full of blood, her daughter Donna became crazy, and kept saying that she saw a non-human figure, only the size of a doll, everyone guessed that the gods abandoned her, and the ghosts possessed the doll. The night before Beth's birthday party the next year, Donna also died, and the cause of death was exactly the same as Daisy's death."

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