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Mrs. Nancy Shi Shiran stood up, with a smile on her lips, slowly took out a blood-stained sledgehammer from under the bed, raised her hands steadily, exerted her impossible strength, and struck down hard!

Between the electric light and flint, the heavy door panel rumbled down, and a handful of silver-colored items swirled and hit the back of her hand.

Mrs. Nancy was in pain, and the sledgehammer was knocked out of the way and hit the edge of the bed. Immediately, the edge of the bed shattered, and a huge gap cracked in the middle of the wooden bed, which gradually folded in half and sank.

With such a big movement, Alice on the bed was still sweetly asleep and did not wake up.

Qi Huan and the others ran to the door of Alice's bedroom. When they found that they couldn't push the door, they guessed what was going to happen. Before they could get the key, Wen Xiu could only slam the door.

Fortunately, Wen Xiu's strength was strong enough, and his resistance was strong enough to knock the door open after one hit. Qi Huan keenly saw a figure holding a hammer behind Wen Xiu. Reflexively, he threw out the scalpel.

There was still the same sweet smell in the air as Miss Beth's bedroom, and it seemed that Miss Alice had also been tricked.

"You... actually survived..." Under the moonlight, a woman's figure slowly stood upright. She dragged the hammer on the ground and walked towards Qi Huan and the others.

As they got closer, Mrs. Nancy's face loomed in the darkness.

Miss Beth was originally standing last, and when she heard Mrs. Nancy's voice, she couldn't help but ran in front of her and muttered, "Mom...what are you doing?"

Mrs. Nancy saw that she came out from behind Qi Huan. Beth was not surprised. She looked as usual, and her tone was full of love: "Why did you come out, baby, didn't mother let you sleep well? When you wake up tomorrow, everything will be over, this place will always be our home. Now, no outsiders will bother us anymore..."

She raised the sledgehammer with a grin and was about to attack Alice on the bed again.

"I don't want it!" Beth burst into tears, suddenly rushed towards Alice on the bed, hugged her tightly, wrapped her body in a protective posture, and turned her back to Mrs Nancy, "I don't want my sister. Death..."

Her actions kept Mrs Nancy's hammer from falling, and Mrs Nancy's tone became cold, "Get out of the way, Beth, she's not your sister, she's just that bitch."

"She is My sister." Beth cried, "Mom, don't you like Alice? Alice obviously likes you the most, why do you do this, can't we live a good life as a family?"

"Of course I love her, she I started taking care of her when my arms were so small, and she couldn't sleep without me telling stories every night." Mrs. Nancy put down the hammer in her hand, and her tone became soft again, "It's a pity, it's a pity that she is Austrian. Tuo's child."

"The debt Otto owes me can't be repaid even if he dies. He clearly knows that you are his biological daughter, and he still wants to leave the property to Alice. Why... I have suffered and suffered all these years, what is it? For what? Am I born to be a cow and a horse for Della, and I will be a cow and a horse for her children when she dies?!!!"

Mrs. Nancy grabbed Beth and threw her aside, Ellie Silk is still immersed in the dream, ignorant.

"Baby, you will pay for your father's debt in this life, and be my daughter in the next life." Madam Nancy was talking when suddenly there was a sound of metal crashing from outside the corridor. She frowned and looked at Qi Huan and Wenxiu, " Dinner spilled 'sin' into your food, I was hoping that you could lure me away from the doll, but it turned out to be a stumbling block..."

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