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Die Xian didn't even know who the trumpet was.

Qi Huan pondered, if this is the case, Zeng Guang can be completely excluded, because Zeng Guang's directivity is very obvious, and there is no need to open an extra trumpet to intimidate Die Xian.

As long as he shows his identity, it is his greatest weapon.

The 'leave' in the chat log should refer to not leaving the company. Therefore, except for Zeng Guang, all the male employees of the company are disgusted, and Mr. Li is the most suspicious. After all, only he committed suicide after the game started.

But now there is still a problem, that is, if Die Xian doesn't know who the trumpet is, and also doesn't know the object of his revenge, how did Li always die?

Qi Huan did not believe that he would commit suicide.

It seems that it is imminent to find a USB flash drive without mosaics. They can at least determine who the shooter is through the video, but they have searched the third and fourth floors, and there are only three USB flash drives, all of which are working videos.

Did they take the USB drive away because the employee left? Wouldn't this game have become an unsolvable game? The first-level dungeon won't be so tricky for players, after all, there are still novices.

Qi Huan was still thinking in front of the double-sided mirror, and Wen Xiu said to Di Xian in surprise: "Don't you know who the trumpet is? Isn't that your boyfriend Zeng Guang? He is the most convenient for video shooting." Di Xian in

the mirror Hearing the word 'Zeng Guang', his face instantly turned cold, he shook his head, and wrote: "It's not him."

"He made it clear that he was going to break up before my death, and now I'm afraid he is living with his new girlfriend." When she arrived at her new girlfriend, Die Xian gritted her teeth with Qi Huan's face, making everyone tremble.

Qi Huan glanced at Die Xian with a strange expression, "But he's already dead."

After hearing this, Die Xian widened his eyes and wrote angrily, "What did you say?

" The words written stroke by stroke are completely different.

"He is dead, I found his medical order." Qi Huan repeated calmly.

It seems that Die Xian didn't know that her boyfriend had brain cancer, so Zeng Guang should have died after Die Xian died.

"You lied!" was written bloody on the mirror, and then Dixian's figure gradually distorted, and Qi Huan's face slowly turned into that of a pale woman, just like the female anchor they had seen in other original videos before. , but in the mirror, her eyes were empty, her skin was bruised and bloodshot.

Die Xian covered her head and couldn't stop shaking her head. The ghost sound burst out. Suddenly, the chandelier in the live broadcast room kept flashing. The wall covering on the roof fell off every inch. exclaimed.

No one thought that the consequences of annoyed Die Xian would be like this. Qi Huan tried to kneel on the ground to stabilize her figure. Sure enough, Die Xian still had feelings for Zeng Guang, and Zeng Guang's suspicion was completely ruled out.

But she can't continue to be destroyed, otherwise they will all be buried in the live broadcast room.

Qi Huan took a deep breath and said loudly -

"What's the use of you making trouble now? Can you bring Zeng Guang back to life? If you didn't break up with Zeng Guang and could stay with him for the last time, you wouldn't hate the person behind the scenes who filmed your video. Is he a black hand? Maybe he is still alive in the world, much happier and more comfortable than both you and Zeng Guang." After

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