3.1 Doom Doll

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Qi Huan was standing there looking at the poster in the mall, when suddenly there was a cheerful notification sound in his mobile phone, Qi Huan quickly thought of who it was, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

【P: Are you home yet? 】

P rarely did not speak, but typed text, Qi Huan thought about it, and deliberately replied.

[Huanhuanzi: Not yet, it's a bit late tonight, I want to live outside with my friends and go back to school tomorrow. 】

There was a reply soon, "It's too dangerous to go out with strangers at night, go back to school."

"He's not a stranger, we met in other places, but you, what's your full name? I don't know, you are a stranger in comparison."

Qi Huan temporarily found a public seat beside the road and sat down, unable to help tease P with his words, the phone screen illuminated his face, and the people walking by Passersby couldn't help but look at him several times.

This time P didn't reply in seconds. Qi Huan knew that he would definitely not reply. P was very careful about personal privacy. The two of them haven't exchanged names yet.

But Qi Huan felt that he liked his voice, his calmness, his motivational thoughts, and his coaxing him to sing. Qi Huan's behavior last night made Qi Huan reassure his mind.

He doesn't just have a crush on P, he likes him.

Even if he doesn't even know P's name now.

Qi Huan hesitated for a moment and wanted to speak, but he was a little shy when he opened his mouth. He didn't know what to say. He turned to type and said: [I lied to you, I'll go back to school soon, but if the person I meet is you, I think I may There will be different options. 】

Qi Huan's cheeks are slightly hot. Last night, he was coquettish to P under the chaos of consciousness. Today, he is completely awake.

After saying this, Qi Huan took advantage of the dim street light to find a good angle and take a half-length photo.

There is no need to add filters to the photos, which is very Hong Kong style. The light shining on his face completely magnifies the advantages of his facial features, which is very eye-catching. After Qi Huan finished filming, he liked it very much and sent it to P.

[Huanhuanzi: Although I don't know your name, if you meet me by chance, don't pretend you don't know me. 】

After sending it, Qi Huan contentedly put the phone in his pocket and hummed all the way back to school.

The next night when he came out of the library, Qi Huan received a courier. The package was not big, only the size of his palm. He didn't know what was in it. The sender was called Pei Luo.

Qi Huan thought about his friend list carefully, and determined that he didn't know this person named Pei Luo. When he returned to the dormitory, he opened the courier. Inside was a wooden box, and there was a sound of metal hitting inside the wooden box.

He continued to open the wooden box, which contained a ring.

To be precise, a silver ring with a skull.

This silver ring seems to be a few years old, but the surface is re-polished to sparkle. Zhao Shuoran took a shower and couldn't help but complain when passing by: "Why did you buy such a middle-grade ring, are you going to cosplay?"

Qi Huan couldn't bear it . Zhan smiled and shook his head, "No, someone gave it to me."

This person is really strange. Skeletons are symbols of ghosts, and silver products are symbols of purity. Usually, in terms of imagery, silver products have the ability to suppress ghosts. Yes, no one is making skeletons out of real silver.

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