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Qi Huan turned to look at Pei Luo, he was able to detect the movement around him so early.

The bandaged weirdo under the tree had a big belly and walked quite leisurely. When he got closer, Qi Huan saw that his face was also covered with bandages, and his facial features were sealed.

Qi Huan didn't dare to move on the tree, for fear that the bandage geek would find out about their existence, but the bandage geek didn't seem to notice anyone on the tree, he just knocked on the gift box, and then picked up the skeleton with a sickle in disgust, holding his stomach close by. After turning around, I found that there was no one, and then slowly returned to the same path.

Qi Huan breathed a sigh of relief, the death of the player would also attract NPCs to wander in the hunting area.

It is no longer possible to continue opening boxes in the hunting area. Although the proportion of pass tickets is high, there are many gift boxes without pass tickets. If you are unlucky to open a trap box, you will die.

On the contrary, although there is only one gift box in the amusement facility, as long as you pass the NPC quest, the gift box you get must have a pass.

Qi Huan was unwilling to gamble on illusory luck, he only believed in 100% true probability.

There are three of them in total, and they need to clear three amusement facilities. Qi Huan finds out the map. The facility closest to them is the ghost house. The NPC should be the bandaged weirdo who just walked by. The performance and the carousel, the others are too far away, basically you have to run half a map.

After confirming the next direction, Qi Huan felt a lot more at ease. He climbed down the tree to find Wen Xiu, and Pei Luo jumped directly behind him.

Wen Xiu was looking for a gift box nearby and walked a little further. He didn't know that the NPC had just come by. He was walking back with three gift boxes in his arms. When he saw Qi Huan handing over the gift boxes happily, he proudly said, "I'm amazing. , I found so many gift boxes, each of us has enough to share!"

Qi Huan couldn't help laughing, and explained the trap in the gift box, so scared that Wen Xiu lost all three gift boxes, crying: "Then what should I do? The gift box can't be opened, how can we get the pass?"

"So we are going to do the quest in the amusement facility. The gift box obtained through the NPC assessment should have a pass, otherwise the game cannot be played." Qi Huan thought about it and arranged: "Let's go to the nearest horror haunted house first, The NPC is a man covered in bandages, and then go to the drama performance and the carousel."

Wen Xiu of course has no problem with Qi Huan's arrangement, it doesn't matter which area Pei Luo goes to, Wen Xiu was worried before leaving, and left it on the gift box. A reminder note that there is a trap in the gift box, hoping to remind players who see it.

Passing through the black grove is the red area. The eye is full of red, which stimulates the visual nerves of the watchers. In the center is a large haunted house with skeletons hanging on the signboard. The outermost skeleton is still wearing sportswear. Shipped here as decorations.

Qi Huan sank his heart and opened the door of the haunted house first. There were basically no lights in the haunted house, and he couldn't see his fingers. Qi Huan couldn't see the internal structure. After Pei Luo and Wenxiu entered the haunted house, the door of the haunted house closed automatically.

A string of terrifying and excited male laughter suddenly came from all directions, and Qi Huan took out the scalpel vigilantly.

"I haven't seen so many cute little lambs for a long time! Welcome to my spooky haunted house. I'm Beta from the staff here. When we meet for the first time, I want to say hello to you~"

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