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The name of this university is engraved on the marble with bronzing fonts. It is called St. John's University. Qi Huan can see from afar. The interior of the campus is splendid. smile.

Qi Huan followed Nancy into the gate, but a security guard came out and sent her away.

"Go, go, begging is not allowed here!" The

middle-aged man's voice was loud, and the passing students couldn't help whispering when they saw Nancy.

Nancy's face turned pale. This was her cleanest and most tidy outfit. She defended in a low voice: "No, I'm not here to beg, I'm here to find someone."

"Can you know the students here? Everyone has young masters and young ladies from rich families." The security guard was disdainful, "I've seen a lot of deception, and I won't hold you accountable if you're holding a child. Get out now, or I'll have to call the police." He

pushed her and pushed her . Leave.

The child keenly felt the danger in the atmosphere, and burst into tears. Nancy couldn't, so she could only retreat to the side of the stone pillar at the school gate and gently coax the child.

"Good baby, good baby, we'll see Dad in a while."

There are people coming and going at the school gate, and anyone passing by will look at this strange woman holding a child. Her existence is incompatible with the palace of knowledge, Qi Huan stands While accompanying her, even if those eyes did not fall on him, he felt embarrassed for Nancy.

Nancy is only seventeen years old, as old as these children who read, but the children of rich families are still reading, but Nancy was kicked out by her family, and she experienced the difficulties of life prematurely.

And Nancy didn't seem to see the eyes on her back. She spoke softly and sang a sleep song to the child, and the child fell asleep humming.

After a while, a male student came over and said, "Miss, are you going to enter the school? I can take you in."

"Really?" Nancy hugged the child and kept bowing and thanking, " You are such a good man, Master!"

"Hey, but I have one condition." The male student spoke half-covered, and then whispered in Nancy's ear: "Put the child down and play with me..." After

he finished speaking, Nancy realized that it was wrong. She raised her hand angrily to slap each other, but her hand was shackled.

"It's so spicy...I like it...don't be ashamed." The male student hooked the corner of his mouth, but there was no smile in his eyes.

Nancy is a woman, and her innate physiology does not take advantage of her physical strength. She was forced to retreat step by step while holding the child in her hand. She tried to call for help, but passersby, on the principle that more things are worse than less things, avoided them indifferently. .

Just when she was forced to have nowhere to go, a female voice came——

"What are you doing?"

This voice was gentle and elegant, like a clear spring. After hearing this, the male student who bullied him in front of him suddenly stopped. With a rogue expression, he turned around and started to nod and bow, "Miss Della, it's my honor to see you at the school gate!"

Qi Huan looked at Nancy holding the child and raised her head quietly.

This is Della, her skin is delicate and lustrous, like fine suet jade, lustrous and lustrous, with delicate eyebrows and eyes, beautiful blonde hair shining in the sun, and expensive handmade moccasins on her feet, without a trace of dust , a pampered look.

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