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Qi Huan didn't immediately agree to the wretched man. Although Wen Xiu saw the dean on the second floor last night, they would definitely go up and look for it, but it was a bit too cheap for him to agree to the wretched man so easily.

Why did he say change it?

The wretched man looked at Qi Huan, his dangling triangular eyes showed a little hope, and Wen Xiu next to him was hot-tempered and had amazing strength. If he angered him a little, he might be beaten up, but Qi Huan, who was beautiful, felt better to talk.

In fact, the wretched man was a little unsure in his heart. A few days ago, because Qi Huan and Wen Xiu were in a group, he sneered a lot. At this time, it is hard to say whether Qi Huan is willing or not.

Qi Huan looked at the wretched man's rolling eyes, knowing that he was making a crooked idea again, he said lightly: "You have already divided the area from the beginning, we are on the first floor, you go to the second floor, I don't want to change."

"We didn't discuss it with you, we were wrong, we were wrong." Seeing Qi Huan's anger, the public face players quickly nodded and bowed to apologize to Qi Huan. , if he doesn't go, they all have to die.

Moreover, the wretched man began to say that he was an old player, but in the past two days, the male player has seen that his clearance skills are only four words-holding the soldiers and not moving, all relying on waiting for others to take the initiative to find clues to clear the customs.

How dare you say that you are experienced?

Originally, the public wanted to leave the wretched man to find clues by himself, but he was too dangerous by himself. He didn't have props like Qi Huan, and he didn't have natural powers like Wen Xiu. Follow along.

And today's task... The public face player shivered and decided to tell the truth.

"Upstairs is the morgue, and it's full of corpses. We don't dare to stay for too long without props. You can do it and change with us."

Qi Huan was expressionless, "Did you sneak into my dormitory before? "

"Yes... I'm sorry..." The crowd looked embarrassed. They didn't expect Qi Huan's new hatred and old hatred to be counted together, and hurriedly defended: "But we're not trying to steal your props! We're looking for clues!"

Qi Huan still didn't speak. A suspicious look.

Seeing that Qi Huan didn't believe it today, the public gritted their teeth and tried to take something out of their pockets, but was stopped by the sleazy man on the side, "Are you crazy? Tell them?"

"Then you go to the second floor to clean? The public looked at the wretched man with disdain, "I don't want to die with you."

Obviously the wretched man didn't dare, who would dare to use his own life to get angry without props? In the end, the wretched man could only glance at Qi Huan angrily.

The public face shook off the wretched man's arm and took out a piece of letter paper.

"This is the clue I found in the dormitory. It was a letter from my sister to my sister. The letter said that my sister has pica and likes to eat people's hearts. I thought other dormitories would also have clues, so I pried open your room, I didn't expect that only my room has it."

This clue is clueless to the wretched men and the others, and without other clues, they can't piece together the truth.

"I didn't find any other clues, and I can't clear the station even if I put the stationery in my place. I hope you can complete the mission as soon as possible. I just need to follow through."

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