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The sight outside was dim, and Qi Huan could only vaguely see two figures, getting closer and closer to them.

All kinds of guesses flashed in Qi Huan's mind, the servants in the mansion should not walk like this, one of them was a little taller and was bending over quickly.

The person who came was either the player who got the news, or some unknown creature. Qi Huan still remembered the theme of this dungeon, and there must be supernatural power.

Qi Huan couldn't, and could only predict the worst situation. When the other party approached within two meters, he quickly dodged and put the scalpel on the other party's neck.

The other party didn't find anyone under the wall, so Qi Huan easily got it.

Through the light through the window, Qi Huan could see the face of the person who came. Young and full of vigor, it was Meng Xiaowu, and behind him was his sister, Meng Xiaochun.

Meng Xiaowu didn't expect that someone would go outside to eavesdrop before him, and took a step back in astonishment, only to knock down a flowerpot next to the flowerbed.

Qi Huan said badly, and quickly pulled Meng Xiaowu to the blind spot under the window, and Meng Xiaochun quickly followed.

Soon, the window opened, and the voice of the hostess Nancy came from above their heads.

"There's no one outside... It's estimated that the wild cat is springing."

When the window was closed, Qi Huan breathed a sigh of relief and put down the scalpel in his hand.

Meng Xiaowu said in a very low voice: "Why are you here?"

Qi Huan asked back: "What about you?"

Everyone was deadlocked, so Meng Xiaowu had to explain in advance: "I have a certain ability, I can predict a certain scene and see them in Chat, so I came here, what ability do you use?"

"I asked someone to find out." Qi Huan saw that Meng Xiaowu was still puzzled, and added: "The ability of money."

Meng Xiaowu is smarter than Wenxiu, and after turning a corner, he understands that what Qi Huan is talking about is a homophonic stalk. He worked hard to use his ability to predict clues, but Qi Huan used money to bribe NPCs despicably.

Why didn't the system set him a local tyrant? Just abominable! Meng Xiaowu looked disheveled.

Qi Huan didn't know what Meng Xiaowu was thinking, and he didn't want to explore. The people in the room were talking again, and the content of their conversation was the focus.

Nancy, the hostess who just opened the window, was the first to speak, "I think Mr. Meng Xiaowu is very suitable. He has a well

-mannered manner . I like it very much." He realized the intention of the hostess and hostess to invite them, and the dinner confirmed his guess. What the hostess was talking about was like a blind date market, and he could not wait to get out of their marriageable-age males.

After knowing the NPC's intentions, Meng Xiaowu cooperated with the hostess' inquiry. Maybe after becoming Miss Beth's fiancé, Miss Beth would directly tell him the answer to the customs clearance.

In order to improve his core competitiveness, Meng Xiaowu also specially beautified his background a little. In the eyes of normal people, picking a son-in-law should pick him.

Among the male players, Lao Hu is too old, Mo Qi behaves clumsily, Wen Xiu only knows to eat and drink with Meng Xiaochun, and the only competitive player is Qi Huan, but Qi Huan is too beautiful, beautiful to the point of being neutral, this kind of trait There is no advantage in the elders.

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