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When Pei Luo was chasing the bandage freak, he saw some simple medical props nearby. He turned around and found unopened medical alcohol and bandages, and squatted down to carefully clean Qi Huan's wound.

Qi Huan turned his head away, secretly disapproving of himself for being useless. He should have turned around and left after he said harsh words, but when he heard Pei Luo apologized aggrievedly to himself, the anger in his heart calmed down so lightly.

Sound control error.

By the time he reacted, Pei Luo was already helping him clean up the wound, so he wouldn't be able to walk away halfway.

It was just that at first Qi Huan thought that something had happened to Pei Luo and broke the door with a burst of energy. At that time, he didn't feel any pain at all, but now the pain has recovered, and the alcohol touched the flesh and blood, causing Qi Huan to gasp in pain.

"I'll be fine soon," Pei Luo noticed Qi Huan's expression from time to time, and the speed of rinsing his hands increased.

When the dressing was over, Qi Huan just wanted to leave Pei Luo as soon as possible, he said silently: "Since there are two passes, one for each of you, just hide here, no other NPCs will come for the time being, I will go to the amusement facility next door to see . " "

no! " "

no. "

Wen Pei repair and down in unison, Wen Xiu do not care that many, clamored no," Qi brother I did not offend you, we have been together, I want to accompany you to go together Pass, I'm obedient." The

disobedient Pei fell with a shot, and could only watch Qi Huan and Wen Xiu leave together, Wen Xiu spread his hands before leaving to express his helplessness.

The closest to the haunted house is the orange area, which is shown on the map as a drama performance.

On the way to the orange area, Wen Xiu couldn't help but speak, "Brother Qi, please forgive Brother Pei, he also knows he was wrong, and now he is still in the haunted house after listening to you, didn't he follow?

" You don't understand why I'm angry." Qi Huan sighed, Wen Xiu didn't know he liked Pei Luo, and he didn't understand how desperate he was at the time.

Even if Pei Luo didn't accept him, he didn't want Pei Luo to die, not to mention that he caused everyone to enter the seventh-level dungeon.

In any case, he has the responsibility to keep his teammates safe.

"Of course I know why you're angry!" Wen Xiuzhen said, "I know that Brother Pei is your good friend, otherwise you wouldn't let him come to the graduation ceremony. If something happened to Brother Pei, you would be the most uncomfortable.

" I admit, Brother Pei was too reckless and didn't discuss it with you, but you have to think about it in another way. In that case, if you were Brother Pei, you could kill NPCs alone, and would

you go alone?" He can kill NPCs alone, of course he will solve things alone, so everyone is happy, but the problem is that this is a seventh-level dungeon, and the abilities of NPCs are not at the same level as the previous ones.

"This is different." Qi Huan held back for a long time, "The seventh-level dungeon is too dangerous, who can guarantee the ability to kill NPCs alone."

"Brother Pei can kill Qinglongshen alone in the last dungeon, why can't you kill regional NPCs alone? ?" Wen Xiu argued, "We saw it too, the body of the bandaged monster is there. Brother Qi, I think you don't trust Brother Pei, he is very strong, you are a fan of the authorities and always want to protect us, so you subconsciously put Brother Pei and I are placed in the position of the weak, but as a bystander, I can see that Brother Pei's ability is stronger than you, even stronger than all the players I have ever met."

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