Chapter 27 The Real World (02)

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After waiting for so long, Qi Huan thought there was no hope, and felt a little depressed. He tucked the phone under the pillow. The cold and fever made him dizzy, and his temper was also a little arrogant.

He pulled the quilt over his head, darkness enveloped him instantly, and Qi Huan soon fell asleep.

While half asleep, Qi Huan seemed to hear the sound of LOVE. He wanted to take out his mobile phone to see what P had posted, but at the moment because of illness, his drowsiness was extremely serious, and he fell asleep again without paying attention.

After a good night's sleep, Qi Huan was not woken up until dinner time when his roommate Zhao Shuoran brought back food. He rubbed his eyes and got out of bed to eat.

When he woke up, he felt that his condition was much better. After eating, Qi Huan took his body temperature. The fever had subsided, and his throat was still a little sore, but it was not as serious as in the morning. I struggled to continue writing my thesis, so I lay in bed and brushed my phone.

Turning on the phone, Qi Huan immediately saw the LOVE message in the notification bar.

P replied to the message shortly after he put down his phone, which he didn't remember until now because he was asleep.

Qi Huan's mood had eased, and when he recalled that he acted coquettishly to P by being sick in the early morning, his toes were numb from embarrassment.

How could he say something like that? He also asked P to sing to coax him to sleep. Although Qi Huan secretly fantasized about P's voice for the first time, he also wanted to save face. How could he really make such an intimate request to P?

Qi Huan began to regret it. If he was clear-headed, he would never ask the other party like this.

After all, he and P had only chatted on the Internet for a while. Qi Huan had no one to accompany him, and the loneliness had overwhelmed his senses, so he made such a fragile request.

Qi Huan was uneasy, was the other party very speechless to him, so he was laughing at him? Qi Huan wanted to play dead in bed, but after seeing P's long series of voices, he couldn't help but click it.

He was wearing headphones and was ready to be questioned. He also thought about the lines he wanted to explain, but after opening the voice, he was still stunned.

P's voice was deep and magnetic, Qi Huan knew it was good, but he didn't expect that instead of mocking him, P actually sang to him -

Qi Huan was stunned for a while, and the familiar little Xingxing was sung by P. In a seductive style, the voice seemed to be scratching at his heart, Qi Huan covered his face, and P actually took his coquettishness seriously.

It's been a long time since I've been treated like this.

The young man is in good physical condition. The next day, Qi Huan's cold was already getting better. He took his computer bag and went to the library. Zhao Shuoran advised him not to rush the paper, and to take care of his body before doing his studies. Qi Huan laughed. For a moment, shake your head.

He went to the library for more than just writing papers.

After swiping the card to enter the library, Qi Huan put down his computer bag, logged into the electronic library, searched for books that P should like, downloaded dozens of books, and sent them to him in one go.

Last night, Qi Huan was too embarrassed to send a message to P. It was wrong to thank him, and it was even more wrong to continue to act like a spoiled child. No matter how he replied, it felt strange.

He had something on his mind, so he came to the library early in the morning, downloaded an e-book to P, and reciprocated.

It is estimated that P will be very happy to see it, right?

After he sent the e-book, he checked his mobile phone from time to time, worried that he would miss P's message when he was muted in the library, so he didn't write a few words in the paper.

After waiting for half an hour, P did not receive a reply, but instead received a call from an unfamiliar number.

The mobile phone showed that the other party's number belonged to Jiangcheng, in the same place as Qi Huan, and Qi Huan's heart immediately rose.

P lives in Tingjiu Mountain, and his mobile phone number is usually attached to the nearest city. Could it be that P saw that he sent so many e-books, so he called him to ask about the situation?

Without ruling out this possibility, Qi Huan was in a hurry and ran out of the lending room to the corridor of the library. The red and green phone icons on the phone screen were urging him to make a decision. He finally made up his mind and dialed the answer button.

Qi Huan adjusted the expression on his face, and just as he was about to speak, there was a squeaking sound from the other end of the phone.

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