Air Patrolling

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Hiccup had called the others to gathered in the clubhouse again. But this time it was different. Tuffnut was the last to entered the clubhouse. He noticed the others looking toward him with an awkward gaze. Ruffnut just turn her head away avoiding making contact with Tuffnut. He knew that she was upset with him. He decided to avoid contact with her as well.He wanted to apologized.But  he doesn't think that she would accept his apology after the incident.

"Alright gang, there are increasing reports that the Dragon Hunters are making their move. We need to do some air patroling scan every island and sea making sure that there isn't any Dragon Hunters sighting.So we all will split up so that way we can cover more ground faster." Hiccup said.

Ruffnut raised her hand as she continued not to look at Tuffnut. "Hiccup I would liked to do the air patrolling alone on Barf and Belch without Tuffnut. I don't think I can be near him now." 

As the others looked in shock.As Tuffnut stood there quietly as the others turned toward him. As they were wondering what his reaction was. 

"Perhaps its for the best." He said. "I will stay here." 

Before Hiccup could say anything. Astrid stopped him as she was looking toward him. "We should leave it. If that is what they want. Than we should respect it.

Fishlegs and Snotlout focus their attention on  Luna. "Luna we should take patrol the air together. I will protect you from Dragon Hunters!"

Fishlegs glares back at Snotlout. "Come with me Luna. I have knowledge of dragons and if we encounter Dragons that are captured by the Dragon Hunters. I have far knowledge of Dragons than Snotlout."

Snotlout frowns back, "No don't go with Fishface. He doesn't even know how to defend himself.Why I know how to defend myself.All his dragon does is eat rocks. Hookfang has all the fire powr.So there that is the perfect dream true you and me

Hiccup sighed shaking his head. He thought he told those two not to be fighting over for her.But apparently they didn't listen. Luna kept quiet watching them.

"Listen boys,i am flatter with your offering to partner up with me.Perhaps I will choose.Tuffnut why don't you come with me. I know you don't have your dragon. But you can ride on mine." Luna said. "I insist."

Tuffnut was surprised that Luna would picked him. He look at Chicken. But he was still confused.  "Okay I will go with you."

Fishlegs and Snotlout grown in frustration. That Luna wanted to go with him. It made his heart flutter as everyone took off.

"I am curious why did you choose me?" Tuffnut asked Luna. "I  mean you could had gone with Snotlout or Fishlegs."

Luna smiled toward him. "I wouldn't go anywhere with those two. By the time that they finish arguing the patrolling is over."

As the weather seem to darken sign something more is coming.

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