Fear Of The Moon

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Tuffnut on his way back to the hut.He stopped looking back toward the clubhouse.Where the others were.He begins to sigh.He knew that the others were in shock that he had volunteer to do it.He couldn't tell the truth.The fear that continues to burn deep down.He could remembered that fateful day.When it happen. Chicken stood by his side.

"The only reason I volunteer.So they don't see what happen to me.When the moon is out.The curse will eventually take control of me.Where I will be able to start having the ability to shift back and forth." Tuffnut said.

As the two paired continue to walk toward the hut.He than looked out again toward the sky.

"I fear that I could end up hurting the other dragon riders. What would they think if they saw my true nature? I don't even know how to explain to them of this nature.Maybe Chicken,I should step down as a dragon rider.Head back to berk, gather my stuff.Find an island where there is no Vikings." He said.

Chicken bawk in respsonse looking concern for her owner.Before Tuffnut could lay to rest.Before the evening patrol.

"The thing I feared the most is the moon.Even my instincts keep changing to something that I am not.I just hope there is no moon out tonight." He said.

He sighed closing his eyes with a sigh.

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