Nothing But Tears

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After storming off from the clubhouse leaving the other riders in shock with what he just said.Which they did not expect him to say. Tuffnut looks back making sure that nobody was watching.As he begins to sit down against a tree with chicken by his side. As he started to cry. He should be sleeping. But after what happen it upset him.

                             Tuffnut POV:

This isn't like me. I normally don't act like this. The more I see the full moon. The more I feel the change.I am no longer myself. I feel that I am someone else.  I don't know what the others think of me. After the incident in the clubhouse where I shouted at Hiccup and Astrid. Even worst my twin sister Ruffnut. My own strength is getting stronger. I can feel the wild calling me. This leads me back to the memory of helping this mysterious wolf. Who turns out to be a woman. Who gave me this. I recall she told me it depends what path I used. Now I am not sure anymore. I feel that I am heading to a dark path.

I look toward the sun that was shining down at me. As I could feel a tear spill from my eyes. I know deep down there is no stopping this nor ending this. Chicken cuddled up to me.I picked her up hugging her closer.

The others can't know the truth.If they knew what would they think of me? I have to go back to Berk. Gathered my stuff even necessary to survive. Where I can find an abandoned island. I can live there alone. Where I can't hurt anybody. I will have to abandon myself of being dragon rider. I don't even know how to explain my reason for quitting.

Suddenly I could footsteps in my direction. I look to see Luna. Who was there. She suddenly started to sit beside me.

"I was on my way to the stable to feed D/N some fishes. But I saw you here crying. Are you alright?" Luna asked

I look toward her.As tears just continue to spill.  "Everything fine.Just had something in my eyes."

Luna sat down next to Tuffnut. As she was looking toward him more or less examining him. She then begin to frown.

"Your lying. Something is on your mind.You can go ahead and tell me.I don't mind listening to other people's problems." She told me.

I looked toward her.As I let the tears begin to fall. I remain quiet-looking toward her. "Just need a shoulder to cry on.

She then hugged me tightly.I felt my cheeks turning red.As I felt her embraced me tightly. I knew there was something more about her. But I suddenly then felt that we weren't alone someone was watching. But I brushed it off. But feeling Luna hugging me was comforting more comforting than my sister. I look toward the sky.As I contunued to allow Luna hugging me.

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