Wolf Problem

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The others looked toward the new rider.But still, they had another issue on hand with a wolf that was lurking around their base.Even though it seems it isn't causing trouble.

"We need to do something.Just because sooner or later that wolf could try and attack one of us.Even have us for dinner.I am sure it will go after Fishlegs first." Snotlout said.

Fishlegs was more in panic mode.

"Oh thor! I don't want to be eaten.I agree with Snotlout.We should do something about it." Fishlegs said.

Tuffnut remain quiet-looking toward the ground.Ruffnut looked toward them with an idea in mind.

"I say that we use our dragon's power.We scare the wolf away.Than the wolf won't come back to the edge." Ruffnut said.

Luna looked toward them.She than look toward the forest.

"Wolves are harmless creature.If this wolf didn't do anything.If it didn't attack anyone.Than it is harmless.Wolves are very mysterious creatures.The wolf must live around here.I bet was just checking you guys out making sure you aren't dangerous or something.We can't hurt it." Luna said.

Hiccup nod in agreement as he was looking toward the others.

"She has a point.We shouldn't attack the wolf.If it isn't going to attack us.I say that we do night patrol.We can try and capture the wolf.We can relocate the wolf in another island.So it can be at peace.I guess maybe we are disturbing it." Hiccup said.

Tuffnut begin to bit his lips remaining quiet.

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