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~Aspect's P.O.V~

Jaehyun and I bonded even more after our question game. We talked so much after that, we didn't even leave the coffee shop until they closed and had to kick us out. So, this mean't that we didn't arrive back to NCT's headquarters until 12:14 am. Once we got back, I stopped Jaehyun before we went inside. "Hey Jae, thanks for today. I'd like to do it again" I told him honestly. He smiled so hard at that he blushed and his dimples were very prominent.

"Ah of course Aspect. I'm glad we could become... friends?" He questioned, to know if that label would be okay with me. I nodded and smiled too. "Okay then. I'm glad we could become friends" He told me again, this time firmly. So I nodded again and for once in my life, having a friend made me really happy.

I feel like I could trust Jaehyun, I usually never let my guard down this much. But after him telling me his story, I could tell he was honest. I could tell he was different. He isn't like the NCT members I know. He isn't a cruel and disgusting human being, motivated by killing or money. He's genuine, and he didn't want to be drug into this mess. But here he is, and I know the feeling.

We walked inside and the second we did Kun, Lucas, Taeyong and Johnny all snapped their heads in our direction. Kun was the first to stomp over, followed by Lucas. Kun engulfed me in a hug and I didn't hug back. Instead I threw him off of me. "What the hell? Why were you guys all waiting around for us to get back?" I asked. 

Now it was Kun's turn to sass back. "Well, if someone would check their phone, we wouldn't have had to wait up." Jaehyun and I both swiftly pulled out our phones to see a whole bunch of missed calls and text messages. Mine from Kun and Lucas, Jaehyun's from Taeyong and Johnny.

"Oh..." Jaehyun and I both said in unison. Johnny stepped forward and looked directly at Jaehyun. "Next time you take the enemy out on a date, make sure to at least text us and let us know you're still alive" Johnny spat, making sure to glare in my direction occasionally. 

"Oh please, like you guys can talk" I spat at Johnny. As he was going to retort, someone else decided it was their turn.

"Date!? You two went on a date!?" Lucas yelled and ran over to me. He quickly yanked me away from Jaehyun, and shielded me from him. This caused everyone in the room to start arguing, besides Jaehyun, Taeyong and I. Jaehyun was confused, Taeyong was unbothered, and I was pissed.

I aggressively pushed Lucas off of me and shouted, "Everyone stop!". 

Everyone turned their heads to look at me and shut up. I sighed and announced "Jaehyun and I did NOT go on a date. Absolutely nothing happened, and the both of us are fine. So can everyone please calm the fuck down?" No one answered for a second or two. But the first one to speak up was Johnny.

"Whatever, I'm going to bed." and with that he left. 

I sighed and also said "I'm going to bed too. I'll see you all tomorrow". I didn't even wait for anyone to say anything, I just walked up the steps to my room.

When I got to my room, I closed the door and collapsed on my bed.

What the hell was that just now? Everyone freaked out because we didn't answer texts or calls even though we're grown adults. I groaned and face palmed. Could things have ended any worse?

I sighed as I also thought that even though it sounds stupid, I can't help but think that they're not in the wrong. 

We are in a mafia, anything can happen. Jaehyun and I could've both been ambushed and they would've never known cause we didn't answer our texts, and that's what sucks. It doesn't matter how old we are, because we will always be treated like children. Since we constantly have a target on our backs.

If only we could've met in another way, Jaehyun.

I just laid there on my bad for a while longer, until I heard a knock at my door. "Who is it?" I called out. I sat up and stayed there for a minute longer, there was no response. So I hesitantly walked up to my door and opened it. There stood who I believe to be Mark Lee. I looked and him confusedly. He rubbed the back of his neck and avoided all eye contact. "Yes?" I asked him, causing him to look at me for a split second before looking back down.

"U-Uhm. I just wanted to uh, you know, see how you were doing? I-I heard all of the you know like commotion going on so uh, yeah. You good?" He nervously asked me. I couldn't help but laugh at the poor boy. Now he actually did look at me, with a confused yet still nervous look. "Uh. Why are you laughing?" He questioned. I had calmed down and stopped laughing before I answered.

"Nothing, you were just a stuttering mess and it was cute," I told him calmly. His face turned bright red after hearing me say that.

"C-Cute!?" He exclaimed. I couldn't help but laugh at him again. This made him a little more than flustered. "I-I am not cute." He tried telling me. 

"Okay Mark, if you say so" I said, reaching up to ruffle his hair. Now he was really embarrassed. His face got more red if that was even possible. He looked around for a second, debating what to say. 

"Goodnight Aspect" He finally said before sprinting away to his room. I watched him go and chuckled softly again before closing my door.

Time for bed.

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