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~Taeyong's P.O.V~

We heard someone walk in and then saw Aspect slowly pick her head up. She was already badly beaten and I noticed her glare past the camera. We heard an unknown man laugh after that.

After the man walked in front of the camera he said "Now, it won't be me here everyday. Everyone wants their fair share. However, I can promise you, me on your first day was a big 'fuck you' to you" and he laughed again.

"It's Changkyun" Kun said, tears in his eyes. I put my head down, knowing what that mean't. They're going to torture her slowly, until her body breaks down and can't handle it anymore.

"Who's Changkyun?" Felix asked. We all looked at him sadly. 

"The torturer of Monsta X" Ten stated blandly, not wanting to break down. We all continued to watch the screen, and then we heard Changkyun talk again.

"Now where would you like to start? And just know, screaming turns me on" he spoke, amusement laced in his voice. That's when the torturing began. Some of the members turned away, they couldn't stomach looking at him. It was a gruesome sight. But I noticed, she didn't cry out, she didn't scream, she didn't make a single noise. It was like she had accepted it.

I stood up, not bearing to see the look on her face anymore. "Kun, Renjun and shotaro, track down where this stream is coming from. Chenle, take this paper and see if you can find anything that can lead us to her. We need to find her, and quick. We can't waste time" I commanded, everyone stood up swiftly and got to work. Then I turned to Johnny and Jaehyun. "Get guns, vans and everything else we need ready. Take WinWin, Mark and Haechan if needed" I proceeded to say, those 5 stood up and left the room. I turned to everyone else. "All of us, we need to be ready. Everyone will be coming with us. Straykids, stay with us for the next couple of days. We're on standby until we can uncover anything." I ordered everyone. The whole room nodded, and then we turned back to the stream.

But then the stream turned off, a black screen replacing it.

~Aspect's P.O.V~

It's been 3 days. I haven't eaten or drank anything and I was feeling really low on energy. It was to tiring to scream, to yell, or to even pick my head up. I was getting tortured for probably 18 hours a day. It was really starting to take a toll on me.

I wondered, are they coming for me? Are they even looking? Or have they not bothered? I didn't want to think about the fact that they might not even be trying. But I couldn't help it. After all, I've been here for 3 days, and still no sign of them. 

I sighed as I heard one of them walk in, not even bothering to pick my head up. I heard the click of the camera, and then one of them walk up to me, picking my chin up. It was Shownu, and my eyes widened. He turned my head towards the camera and said, "Come on Aspect, don't you want to say hi?" 

I looked at him and said, "Rot in hell". Then I used all my strength to bite his hand.

I bit him so hard, he started to bleed. He quickly pulled his hand away and shouted, "Ow!". Once he collected himself he kicked the chair over and I hit the ground with a thud. It knocked all the wind out of me. "You bitch! How dare you bite me!" He shouted, grabbing me and beating the shit out of me. I just laughed, as if this was the thing that was going to hurt me. He stopped for a second and so I looked at him, smiled, and then spat in his face.

He disgustingly wiped the bloody spit off of his face and pulled me close.

"You're gonna regret that."

~Taeyong's P.O.V~

"It's almost 6 am! Renjun, pull up the stream!" I shouted to alert everyone. We've noticed they like to stream at 6 am everyday. For however long they feel and then they turn it off. But I'm sure the torturing doesn't stop when the cameras go off. Seeing as every time we watch she looks worse than how she ended previously. 

Everyone crowded the TV and then the stream clicked on. Renjun, Shotaro and Kun were all trying to track it down, while Chenle hit a dead end with the note.

"I can't figure anything out, they were extremely careful" He had told me the night before, causing me to slam a fist down on my desk.

Today marks the third day she's been there, and for me that's three days too long. We don't know how much time she has left, but quite frankly, I don't think any of us want to figure out.

When it clicked on, Aspect's head was still down. Until we noticed Shownu pick her head up. That's when we saw how bad she looked. I felt my stomach twist at the sight, and I noticed some people put their heads down. "Come on Aspect, don't you want to say hi?" He teased, and she looked at him, slowly.

"Rot in hell" She spoke, softly since her voice wouldn't allow her more. That's when my heart broke, hearing her like that. I saw Kun's face tense as he worked harder. Then, she bit him. When he pulled away he shouted "Ow!" as he was clutching his hand, blood spewing through his fingers. The whole room was shocked. But then I smiled slightly. She's still got that fighting spirit within her, and that's going to be the thing that keeps her together until we can find her.

But it wasn't so good for long, Shownu kicked her chair to the ground, and you could hear the wind being knocked out of Aspect. Then he grabbed her by her shirt, pulling her up to meet him. "You bitch! How dare you bite me!" He shouted, proceeding to beat her. A couple seconds into it, she started laughing. This caused not only Shownu, but the rest of us to pause. When he did, Aspect smiled, before spitting right in his face.

He wiped the spit off of his face, trying not to cringe. When he was done, he pulled her close to him and said "You're gonna regret that". That's when all of us knew, this one was going to be rough. Before we could even see anything, Kun shouted, "I got it! I know where these bastards are!" He stood up quickly and so did the rest of us. I nodded towards Mark, Haechan, WinWin, Johnny and Jaehyun. They all ran out to pull the vans up front. 

"Everyone we must be quick, hurry and gear up. We don't have time to waste"

~Aspect's P.O.V~

The whole time Shownu was trying to torture me, I was fucking with him. I wasn't gonna let him have fun, not with me anyway. Every opportunity I kicked him, or bit him, or spat at him. I even head butt him a couple of times. I also kept making snarky remarks, which pissed him off the most.

"Why don't I just kill you now? Save myself the effort" Shownu would ask and I would laugh.

"Do it, you pussy" I would egg him on, making him hit me harder. But it didn't matter, I didn't care. All I wanted was to make him angry, and it sure as hell was working.

After a while of this, Shownu turned to the camera. "WayV, NCT, how about I just kill her now, yeah?" He asked, before pulling out a knife. I looked at him calm as he walked towards me menacingly. 

"It's your time, Aspect" he said, a grin taking over his face. That's when we heard shouting, and gunshots. I knew instantly who it was, making me grin.

Shownu looked at me, with fear in his eyes as he dropped the knife, backing away.

"No Shownu, I think it's your time"

~Taeyong's P.O.V~

"Why don't I just kill you now? Save myself the effort" Shownu asked her again, and I could tell he was starting to mean it.

"Jaehyun, what's our eta?" I demanded. He shook his head, going even faster.

"I think we're like 3 minutes out, can she hold out any longer?" He asked, desperate for a positive response. But I just shook my head.

"I'm not too sure Jaehyun, just step on it" I said, and that's exactly what he did.

A little bit after that, I saw Shownu walk towards the camera a crouch down, a smile on his face. "WayV, NCT, how about I just kill her now, yeah?" He said, pulling out a knife.

"Jaehyun eta!" I yelled, getting anxious. He just focused even more.

"Not even a minute. It's that right there!" He pointed. We all got ready as he drifted into the lot and we all jumped out, the other vans following.

Once we all got out I yelled.

"Everyone let's go! We have no time to waste!" I commanded, and that's when it happened, all 31 of us stormed the building.

"Let's get these bastards"

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