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~Aspect's P.O.V~

When we got back to the room, I took the medicine and laid down. Yukhei had lingered around for a little while longer, but when he left I wasted no time. I got up off the bed and began searching, for anything. But, to my luck, I couldn't find anything.

When we got the medicine, we entered a bathroom. It was a little further ways down the hall. Maybe I could try and persuade Yukhei to let me shower.

After a good hour of searching, I made sure everything was put back the right way. Then I heard footsteps coming down the hall. So I quickly turned out the light and laid in bed, making it look like I was sleeping.

Seconds later, someone had entered the room and turned on the light. I groaned and rubbed my eyes, and when I opened them I saw Yukhei locking the door behind him. 

"Hey Y/N, how are you feeling? Any better? I'm sorry I woke you" He apologized, walking over to the bed and sitting down. I just shrugged.

"I'm feeling alright. A lot better though, so thank you. Do you know what time it is?" I asked, acting sleepy. He just smiled softly at me.

"Yeah no problem. And it's around 2 in the morning. Everyone's already asleep so I came in here to check up on you" He told me, and I resisted the urge to smile.

Have I really been here for a day already though? I am losing time, and fast. I need to just go for it.

"It's alright if you don't think it's a good idea, but could I shower? I'm bloody and gross and I'd really just like a fresh change of clothes and such" I asked, and it wasn't really a lie. He looked lost in thought, and I was really hoping he'd say yes. This is my only shot.

"Okay, I guess thats fine since they're all asleep. But I'm staying in the bathroom while you shower, alright? That's the only way I'll allow it" He compromised, and I mentally sighed, but smiled at him nonetheless.

"Sounds like a deal"

~Time Skip~

I was done with my shower and Yukhei turned around as I got dressed. Once I was done he smiled at me. I was happy I got to shower, however a little discouraged. Just as we were about to leave Yukhei verbally sighed.

"What's wrong?" I asked him and he groaned.

"Your bed sheets are going to be dirty, stay right here while I go and change them. There was no point in you showering if you're gonna get dirty again" He told me, and then quickly ran out of the bathroom, without a second thought.

I smile so large I thought my face would break, and thought to myself that this is it, it's now or never. I grabbed the usb out of my shoe and put it in my pockets. Then, I glanced down the hall and saw Yukhei nowhere in sight, so I booked it. I ran as quietly as I could to the security room. I quietly opened the door and peeked inside. I saw Jihoon and Jun passed out in their chairs. 

I quickly slipped into the room, closing the door behind me extremely slowly. Then I slipped over to what looked like the main computer. Then, I pulled out the usb and plugged it in to the back of the computer. Once I did that, all the computer shut down and rebooted, the entire screen changing.

Just as I was about to leave, I saw typing. I watched as someone typed.

Thank you Aspect. You did well. We will be there at 11:30 pm tomorrow. Please be ready. Stay in your room and someone will be there to get you. 
See you then :)

Love, Kun

Then the screens reverted back to normal and it was as if nothing had happened. I resisted the urge to cry and quickly left. It was like I was never there. Then I went back to the bathroom and sat down on the toilet, patiently waiting for Yukhei to return.

After a few minutes he did, and when he opened up the door he smiled at me. "Alright, your sheets are all clean, let me walk you back to your room" He said to me and I smiled back at him.

Then we both walked out of the bathroom and back to my room. Once we entered, Yukhei closed the door behind us and I threw my dirty clothes in the corner of the room, alongside my shoes. "Hey Yukhei thank you for-" I began to speak but I was cut off.

I turned around and Yukhei was kissing me. My eyes widened and I shoved him off of me quickly, trying to steady my breathing.

When I pushed him off, he looked offended by my actions and I gave him a look. "I thought, you know, we were into each other? Why did you push me away?" He asked, starting to get angry. My eyes widened but I tried to go along with it. Knowing something bad could happen if I didn't.

"I-I am into you, Y-Yukhei. But I mean, c-come on. It's gonna t-take me a bit to like p-process all of this" I said, cursing myself for stuttering. Yukhei calmed down for a second, and then looked even angrier.

"You're lying to me, Y/N, aren't you? You've been lying this whole time, haven't you?" He asked me and I quickly shook my head, taking a step back.

"N-No! Yukhei I swear I haven't been" I said, not sounding too convincing. Especially not to Yukhei.

"You bitch! You've seriously been lying this entire time?!" He shouted, pouncing at me. We both fell to the ground and he punched me square in the face. When he went for a second, I rolled and dodged, kicking him off of me. I quickly got up and recovered, him doing the same.

"Yukhei, come on! Let's talk about this" I tried to reason, but he didn't listen, he just swung again but I dodged it, knowing how he fought by now. 

"No Y/N! You don't love me, and I've tried everything!" He shouted, colliding a swing with my jaw. I regained my balance and avoided his next jab.

"How about we start over, then. You just need to give me time!" I said, blocking his next punch and then kicking him away.

"Time, time, time. It's always time! And I've given you enough, I'm done!" He screamed, landing a final blow to my head, causing me to hit the floor. I clutched my head and groaned. That one hurt, a lot. I looked up and saw him, still fuming with rage. "Time is up, Y/N. We leave in two days. Count your blessings, I'm done trying with you." He said, and before I could do anything, he left. Locking the door behind him. 

I sat up slowly, still clutching my head and then I got up. I looked and saw the camera directly pointing at me, knowing whoever looked would've seen that whole thing. So I groaned as I went over to the bed and laid down, anxiously awaiting for the next day.

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