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~Aspect's P.O.V~

I excused myself from the room and left Taeyong to fend for himself while I followed Jaehyun up to his room. I caught him right as he as about to enter and called out "Jae! Wait up!". He looked behind him and sighed, entering his room. With a frown I still entered behind him, shutting the door behind me gently. 

"Listen Jae, I don't want you to be upset or angry with me or Taeyong" I spoke softly, not realizing that the news of me and Taeyong would upset him this deeply.

"It's alright Y/N, I shouldn't have reacted like that. I-I guess it was just shocking to hear. I don't want you to be weirded out or anything but my feelings for you have always been there. Hearing about you and Taeyong was just a bit much. I am so sorry Y/N, I don't want this to change anything between us because you mean so much to me and-" I cut off Jaehyun's mini rant by embracing him in a hug. He seemed shocked by my actions but hugged me back nonetheless.

"Jae stop freaking out. I get it, and I'm not gonna be weirded out by it. I don't want our friendship to change, because you mean so much to me too" I told him, and he smiled at my words. When I pulled away from the hug I smiled back at him and said, "Come on, let's head back down".

Once we got back downstairs, I saw Taeyong fending for himself against everyone bombarding him with questions. I smiled at his flustered state and noticed him calm down once his eyes connected with mine. I walked over to him and grabbed his hand, everyone seemed to go a bit quiet at my actions.

"Everyone, Y/N is officially my girl friend. I expect you all to respect our relationship and treat her as such" Taeyong announced and everyone went quiet. That was until Kun approached us.

"I know you'll treat her well, Taeyong. I'm happy for you both, just next time try and hide the hickeys" Kun spoke genuinely, seeming a little disgusted towards the end. I laughed slightly and hugged my brother. Everyone who was once so tense and confused started cheering, finally accepting our relationship and I was beyond happy.

"Now that that's settled," Taeyong started and then smirked.

"Training schedules for today"

~Time Skip~

"To start off today we're gonna do some sparring, Jaehyun and YangYang I want you two up first" Taeyong instructed, them both getting ready. I pondered who I was going to be paired with since Yukhei is no longer with us, I shuttered at the memory's of him. 

I was zoned out until I saw Jaehyun having YangYang pinned, and Taeyong calling it. "Alright! Good job guys. Now, me versus Aspect" He announced smirking at me. My eyes widened as I looked at his cocky smile, and then I returned it.

"Alright Yong, bring it" I smirked back. He laughed at the nick name and we both got ready, Jaehyun being the ref.

I smiled at Taeyong as he threw the first punch, and I dodged it with ease. Taeyong and I are both more defensive fighters, so I was shocked he threw the first punch. I think he could tell I was thinking cause he threw another one that collided with my jaw, immediately smiling at me.

"Zone back in Aspect. You're off your guard" He commanded. I nodded, knowing what I needed to do, and smiling slightly knowing he was purposefully hitting me lightly. I've seen what he can do and the punch was nothing.

We both continued fighting. I dialed in and landed a few punches, him doing the same. After about 30 minutes, Jaehyun called it seeing how tired we both were.

"Alright guys. You both did great, good hustle" he spoke, Taeyong and I both taking off our gear and stepping out the ring. Taeyong hugged me and kissed my sweaty forehead.

"Great job baby, just make sure you never zone out like that in a fight, okay?" He told me, a little worried. I smiled at him and kissed his cheek.

"No worries, I won't. I just couldn't help myself you're too fine" I laughed and he smiled at me.

"Okay lovebirds, what's next?" YangYang asked and Taeyong immediately went back into boss mode.

"Alright, next up gun training"

~Time Skip~

After a few more hours, we were finally done. Taeyong ended things at a normal time, which is very unusual for him. I walked up to him after the training and he shot a soft smile at me.

"Why did you end training so early today?" I asked him, and his smile remained.

"I wanted to spend some more time with you today, is that a crime?" He sarcastically responded and I punched him lightly.

"No, not at all" I beamed, happy he wanted to spend time with me.

So that's exactly what we did, we spent the rest of the day together. Just cuddling, watching movies and... Some other stuff. For the first time in a while, I felt genuinely happy. Like I was able to finally live a life I was happy with. Taeyong was by my side now, and I felt unstoppable. I had a boyfriend whom I cared about and loved a lot, and I had a huge family by my side

For once in my life, I was content and happy, and that's all that mattered.

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