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~Aspect's P.O.V~

When I went to bed that night, the world felt cold. I felt cold. It was like I couldn't feel anything, I couldn't cry, I couldn't smile, I couldn't feel. It was like the world had been sucked dry of it's remaining color, leaving it dull and lifeless.

I hated this feeling, the one that makes you unable to feel at all. It was one I despised, yet one I was all too familiar with. I had barely slept that night, and when I was woken up for breakfast, it was by Kun.

"I'm not hungry" I mumbled, and that's how my day went. Not eating, not drinking, not doing anything. I just laid in my bed, lifeless. Just like my mother.

The next few days continued the same, Straykids had eventually left, but not before they all tried to get me to come out. I got texts from all of them daily, but I never answered. I just turned my phone off, hoping to tune out the rest of the world along with it.

After a few days of not doing anything, Jaehyun finally broke into my room. "Y/N, you look horrible" was all I heard him say before closing my door behind him and rushing over to me.

I glared at his choice of words and he awkwardly smiled. "T-Thanks" I sarcastically said, my voice hoarse and dry after not using it for days. He frowned at my response. I cleared my throat and sat up, my head and body aching. "How did you even get in?" I asked, and he held up a lock pick. I rolled my eyes. "Get out, I want to be alone" I told him, hiding under my covers. He quickly yanked them off of me and I groaned.

"You've been alone for days. Come on, please get up and shower. Breakfast is ready and we'd all appreciate you being there. Even if you don't do it for me, do it for Kun. Please Y/N, I'm begging you" He pleaded, and I looked at him deeply before sighing.

"Okay fine, I'll be down in 20 minutes" I told him, and he smiled, kissing my cheek.

"Thank you, I'll have to make it up to you somehow" He said and I smiled slightly.

"We'll see about that one, Jung Jaehyun"

~Time Skip~

When I entered the kitchen, all eyes were on me. None of them moved, they just stared at me, while Jaehyun smiled. I shot him the best fake smile I could manage back and looked to everyone else. "If you all keep gawking at me like that, then I'll go back upstairs" I said, seriously. People were then quick to look away, while someone popped up in front of me.

"Here you go Aspect, I got your plate. Come with me" Yukhei jumped up in front of me, handing me a plate and guiding me towards his table. I sat down with him and the rest of WayV, nibbling at my food in silence. They all began talking again, Kun only pitching in quietly every now and then. I guess Yukhei decided that was enough because he sighed as he put his fork down.

"Okay, Kun and Aspect. We need to do something to take your minds off of it. How about we do some training today. But Kun not your typical boring hacker training, let's do some boxing tonight. It's a great stress reliever. I do it all the time when I'm angry, which is pretty often" He explained and I shrugged, not wanting to do anything. Kun just sighed at the proposition.

"Fine, I'll do it if Aspect does it" Kun eventually said, caving in. Yukhei smiled brightly and him and then looked at me. However I was too busy looking at Kun with wide eyes. Kun noticed this then rolled his eyes, smiling slightly. "What? It can't hurt to try, you know?" He reasoned and I just shrugged once more.

"Oh come on Aspect, please?" Yukhei whined, and so I groaned, shoving my plate away from me, starting to feel sick.

"Fine, but if this doesn't work I'm going to kick you really hard in the shins" I threatened and he just rolled his eyes at my behavior, but the smile never leaving his face.

"Alright, deal"

~Time Skip~

Kun and I had gotten dressed for the occasion and when we entered the training room, Yukhei was the only one there. He shot us a bright smile when we walked in, however I ignored it as I walked passed him going straight towards the punching bag.

He gave me a look and I returned it, not wanting to do this right now. "What? You said let's train so let's do it. I'm not wasting time" I said and he rolled his eyes, tossing me some boxing gloves. I caught them and quickly put them on, and then I got to punching.

I beat the shit out of that punching bag like it was personal. I threw every punch possible, the hits never ending. Kun stood there confused and Yukhei looked at me like a proud dad. "That's it, Aspect. Channel your anger!" He cheered and I listened. I did exactly as he said, and it worked. It made me hit my punches harder, it made me move faster. I was quick on my feet, acting as if this were my last fight, and Yukhei was here for it.

"Keep going Aspect! You got this! Keep it up!" He cheered, but then things got personal. "Think about your mom, Aspect. Fight for her!" He shouted and so I did. I thought about my mother laying there, in a pool of her own blood, and I lost it. I screamed as I punched the bag so hard, the chain snapped and it feel to the ground. I looked as the bag, broken at my feet and smiled slightly, breathing heavily due to how much effort I had put into that.

"Damn Aspect! That was a good training session! But now we have to tell Taeyong that you broke the equipment" Yukhei said, scratching the back of his neck. I laughed very softly, and looked into Yukhei's eyes.

"I'll go inform him right after I shower. Just train with Kun, I'm done for today anyway" I told him with a shrug. He sighed but nodded his head.

"Alright, you did well today so I guess you can go" He joked before continuing. "But if you ever want to do this again, just let me know" He said to me, smiling. I gave him the best smile I could back.

"Yeah, of course" I smiled, taking off my gloves and then leaving the room.

~Time Skip~

When I got out of the shower, I went back out into the living room. I got a couple of confused looks.

"Where were you?" Renjun questioned, and I shrugged.

"I did some training today. Do you guys know where Taeyong is?" I asked them, and they looked at me with wide eyes.

"Yeah, he's in his office. But I wouldn't bother him, Aspect. He's taking a 'very important call' I guess. He might be pissed if you go in there" Johnny warned me and I sarcastically laughed, surprising most of them.

"Oh please, he'll get over it" I rolled my eyes, and they laughed at my response.

"Alright, but don't say we didn't warn you."

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