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~Aspect's P.O.V~

It was around 3 in the morning when I got a call on my phone. It was my mom. Chan saw the caller ID and motioned for me to pick it up. Nervously I did, putting my phone on speaker. If my mom was calling me this late, the news surely isn't good.

"Hello? Sweetie? Y/N are you there?" She asked me the second I picked up the phone.

"Yes mom, I'm here. What's wrong? Are you okay?" I anxiously asked, growing more and more worried as each second passed.

"Yes honey, I'm okay. I just feel a little off. I don't know, I just feel really unsafe right now" she told me honestly, and my breath grew shaky.

"O-Okay, mom, I'll be right over. Grab a knife or something just arm yourself. Once you do that, hide somewhere and don't come out until I find you. Do you understand?" I asked her, and I heard her sigh before I could tell she started moving.

"I understand, Y/N. Please hurry. I love you, sweetie" She told me, and I nodded even though she couldn't see it.

"I love you too mom, so much. I'll be over as fast as I can" I told her, before hearing the line go dead and quickly standing up.

"I'll come with you" Chan said, also standing up. I shook my head. 

"No, Chan. Please, this is something I need to do on my own" I told him and he just sighed at my stubbornness.

"Okay, Y/N. I understand. Just here, take this pager. If anything and I mean anything happens, just click this button and I'll be there in no time" He said, tossing me a pager off of his desk. I caught it and attached it to my pants, while I grabbed a jacket and put on my shoes. Then I grabbed two guns, one to put in my jacket and the other to have on my hip while I also grabbed a couple of knives. 

Just as I was about to leave Chan's room, I grabbed his car keys, causing him to shoot me a look.

"What? I need to borrow it. I'll be right back" I smiled slightly, and he returned it, just as nervous as I was.

~Time Skip~

When I arrived at my childhood home, I noticed nothing out of the ordinary. Until I ran up to the door and noticed the entire security system had been deactivated, allowing anyone easy access into the home.

"Shit," I mumbled, not being able to control my shaky hands. As I entered my old home I quickly grabbed out my gun and tried turning on a light, before noticing that whoever deactivated the security system also cut the power. So I grabbed out a flashlight and made my way slowly and carefully through the house.

I checked every room and noticed no one, until I reached the kitchen. That's when I noticed someone, on the floor.

My mother laid on the ground, one hand clutching her neck as it was spewing out blood and the other clutching a butcher knife, presumably the one she was using to defend herself. I heard her cough and I immediately crouched down to her side and grabbed her, holding her close to me. I began uncontrollably sobbing as I held my dying mother in my arms.

"No, no, no, no. This cannot be happening. No, mom. Why?" I sobbed, not knowing what to do. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't think clearly. I heard my mom gasp for breath as I held her neck, trying to stop the bleeding even though I knew it was no use.

"Y-Y/N" She breathed, grabbing my hand and holding it. I squeezed her hand tightly and cried.

"Y-Yes mom. I-I'm right here" I told her, biting my lip to hold back a sob. She just smiled as best she could at me before spitting up blood.

"I-I'm so sorry honey. I'm s-sorry it had to end like t-this" She said, trying not to cry herself. I shook my head, not believing her.

"N-No, mom you're not dying. We're gonna get you help, I'm gonna get you out of here" I told her, going to move her before she stopped me.

"It's n-no use, Y/N. It's my time" She told me, making me cry even more.

"No, no, no" I cried, not being able to stop the tears. She just smiled once more at me, with glossy eyes as she reached up to touch my cheek.

"Oh, my beautiful b-baby. You g-grew into s-such an amazing young l-lady. I love you and K-Kun s-so much honey. Please, take care of your brother f-for me" She said, and I nodded my head, before I watched and felt her body go limp. My eyes widened and I shook her.

"No, no, no. Mom please don't go. No please!" I begged, punching the ground but knowing deep down that she was gone.

My mother is dead.

I couldn't believe it, why did this have to happen? Why did it have to be her? Why couldn't it have been me? With shaky hands I grabbed the pager and hit the button a million times before screaming and throwing the pager across the floor, the tears still streaming down my face. That was until I heard footsteps coming towards me. I slowly looked up, preparing myself for the worst before hearing a voice mumble.

"Holy shit," I heard the person say. I stood up and saw Lee Taeyong standing there, a gun in his hand. I quickly stood up and pointed my own at him, stepping over my mother's lifeless body and towards him.

"You did this, didn't you? You killed my mother you sick motherfucker" I accused him and he just put his hands up, slowly dropping his gun, and returning to the position.

"A-Aspect I swear to you. This was not me" He said, a shocked expression plaguing his face. I didn't buy it though, there's no way. Why else would he be here?

"I bet you teamed up with Seventeen and took her out. Why else would you be here you fucking psycho?" I spat at him and he sighed.

"I came here because Kun got a notification that the security was disarmed here. But he fell asleep a while ago so I came here myself checking on behalf of him and you" He told me but I shook my head.

"liar" I said, beginning to cry again. I saw him on the verge of tears himself.

"No, Aspect please. You can ask Johnny, you can ask Jaehyun, you can ask everyone at the base. I swear to god I came after I got that notification," He pleaded, trying not to cry. I was so conflicted, I didn't know whether to believe him or not.

"How about I kill you right now, just like how you guys killed Lola all those years ago?" I spat at him, causing his eyes to widen at the sudden mention of her.

"Aspect, I'm gonna tell you right now. We did not kill Lola, she's still alive" He said to me, and my hands grew even shakier.

"W-What? No. You're lying. She's d-dead. We saw the scene, we saw what you guys did to her. T-There's no way" I breathlessly said, not believing what I was hearing. He just nodded and let a tear slip.

"I-I'm sorry, but I promised her I wouldn't say anything. She paid us to help her fake her own death. No one knows this besides me, and now you" He breathily told me, emotions beginning to pour out of him. I shook my head for the millionth time tonight and began to cry even more.

"No, I don't believe you. Prove it. If she's still alive then prove it" I cried, and he cried a little too.

"I will, I promise you Aspect. But I need you to put that gun down first."

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