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~Aspect's P.O.V~

We took two vans on the mission. Yangyang sat comfortably next to me on my left and Jaehyun to my right. Mark drove and Taeyong was in the passengers seat. Then across from us it went left to right Haechan, Lucas then Sicheng. 

"I can't believe you were able to out smart Taeyong" Haechan commented, still laughing at the whole endeavor. I smiled slightly upon noticing how annoyed Taeyong kept getting.

Taeyong scoffed and finally said, "I weighed my options. Aspect is too valuable to this mission". We all snickered at him, besides Lucas. He was quiet, zoned out. I could tell he was offended by my actions, but could he blame me? The kiss just made everything awkward, too awkward for my liking.

I think he noticed I was staring, because he looked up at me and smiled uncomfortably. I just looked at the ceiling, pretending I didn't notice. 

The car ride went by rather quickly, and before I knew it we were there.

"Everyone ready?" Taeyong asked. We all nodded while putting on our masks and grabbing our guns. 

"Then let's roll"

~Time Skip~

Taeyong, Lucas, Jaehyun, Yangyang and I were all waiting patiently on the roof for our queue to head in. The gas was already put in, and we were just waiting for confirmation. 

"They're done, let's move!" We heard Mark say through the walkie talkie. So, we hurried into the building, rushing through the front where the snipers took out the guards. Once we were in I heard the others fighting more guards at different entrances. 

"Hurry up, take everything you can. We don't know how long they'll be out for" Taeyong commanded, pointing to the bodies. There were probably thousands of unconscious bodies on the ground. Everyone was quick to go and oblige, I however stayed back.

"But Taeyong, shouldn't we help the others? They're still fighting. It shouldn't be taking this long" I asked, growing more worried by the minute. Even through the mask I could see him glaring at me.

"No, they'll be fine. They are well trained for situations like this. Now go and collect as much as you can" Taeyong told me, as calmly as he could.

"But-" I tried pleading, however Taeyong cut me off.

"No! Go now!" He ordered. As much as I didn't want to, I did as I was told. I ran around probably hundreds of unconscious bodies, and started looting the most valuable things I could. I had 3 duffel bags that I needed to fill.

Focusing on the task at hand, I tried my best to drown out the noise. All you could hear was gunshots and faint yelling.  After I was done with about a bag or so, I heard the screeching of tires. I stopped for a minute and looked up at the others. They were all still busy, until we heard Mark again. "Guys! Come in, anyone!?" 

"Yes Mark? What's wrong?" Taeyong quickly asked through the walkie talkie. We all paused for a minute, waiting for him to say something. "Hello?" Taeyong asked once more.

"Yes, there, more people, help!" Those were the only words we could hear, it was mainly static and it kept cutting out. 

"Taeyong let's go and help them!" I shouted at him, punching a work bench in frustration. My anger was beginning to get the best of me, and I didn't know how much longer I could hold back.

"No! They will be fine. Continue looting!" Taeyong yelled back. None of us listened, this was going south and we were all worried. 

"Taeyong, Aspect is right. We should go and help them" Jaehyun then said. Taeyong stormed over towards us.

"Listen here, I'm the boss. You all must obey me! Now get back to looting!" His voice boomed. It echoed off the walls and honestly hurt my ears a bit. Before we could do anything else, we heard Mark one more time.

"Johnny's down! I repeat Johnny is down!" Mark cried over the walkie talkie. My eyes widened and I dropped my duffel bags. I cocked back my gun and yelled over all the noise.

"That's it! I'm going out there"

There were no questions asked, and if there was I couldn't hear them. I sprinted out the building and saw the situation. Everyone was still fighting, but I don't think anyone had any more guns. Or at the very least no more ammo. Beyond all of this, I saw Johnny on the ground, coughing up blood and holding his abdomen. I saw Taeil trying to get through to him but he couldn't due to all the chaos.

I pondered for a moment of what I should do. So I did the only thing I could do, I threw off my mask and sprinted right into all that chaos. I weaved and dodged every punch, every knife, every bat. I ran over to Johnny and bent down next to him. 

"Hey, hey. Relax I'm right here," I told him as calmly as possible, grabbing his hand. I checked his stomach and noticed it was a gunshot wound. Jisung stood there right next to him with blood on his face, traumatized. With the look he wore, I knew instantly that this was his fault.

I ignored that factor for the time being and shouted for Taeil. He finally came running over and I looked for a way out of here. My eyes scanned for a little, and I tried my best to find something, anything. Then I found it. I pointed to one of the cars in the back. 

"There! Let's take that car and get him back to the base as soon as possible." Taeil and Jisung nodded and I looked at Johnny. 

"Hey Johnny, you need to stay awake for me okay? This is gonna hurt but we have to get you out of here" I told him. He nodded and I saw a single tear slip from his eye.

"I don't want to die. Not here, not yet" He told me with a raspy voice. 

I kept myself together and told him with the most confident voice I could muster, "You're not going to. Let's get you out of here". He nodded then we all picked him up and carried him over to the car. I heard him groan, and he writhed in pain. "Just relax Johnny, we got you" I told him again.

We laid him in the back with Taeil and Jisung hopped in the passengers seat. I proceeded to hot wire the car as quickly as I could. However it wasn't working at first.

"Come on, god dammit!" I complained. Then it was as if the universe answered me. The car started up and I hopped in.

"Step on it Aspect. I don't know how much time we have left" Taeil shouted, while Johnny coughed some more. I nodded and sped off, taking the least suspecting way out. 

I grabbed my walkie talkie and told everyone "If anyone can hear me, I have Johnny. Taeil, Jisung and I are taking him back to the base for immediate medical attention. Taeyong get someone on standby". After a few short seconds I got a response.

"They will be waiting for you at the base. Stay safe Aspect" a voice I recognized to be Taeyong spoke.

"Roger that"

~Time Skip~

I pulled into the driveway and immediately saw Hendery, Kun, Doyoung, Renjun, Chenle, Sungchan, Shotaro and Jungwoo all outside. Everyone who wasn't on the mission was waiting for us, waiting for Johnny to help him. I stopped the car and hopped out.

"He's in the back, come on guys help!" I shouted. Jisung and Taeil got out of the car and Hendery brought over a gurney. 

"Alright everyone, on three. One, two and three" We all lifted Johnny up and onto the gurney. He groaned in pain as we tried to get him inside the house. Once we were successful, Taeil and Hendery wheeled him away.

"We got it from here, we'll call you down if we need any extra help" Hendery told me. I shook my head.

"Are you sure? If you guys need help I can help you" I offered, now it was their turn to shake their heads.

"Yes we're sure, you've done enough. Thank you for all your help back there," Taeil thanked me.

 I nodded and without another word, they were gone. Leaving all of us questioning whether or not we'd ever see Johnny again.

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