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~Aspect's P.O.V~

The next couple of weeks of training went by pretty smoothly. My mom and Mrs. Bang had set the wedding into full gear, already having a date and venue set. I haven't been allowed to see Chan though, despite him constantly texting me to hangout. I don't want to ignore him, but I don't really have a choice. I keep telling him that i'm busy, but that doesn't mean it isn't annoying.

When training was done for the day, most of us were hanging out in the living room. Until we heard banging at the door. Doyoung went to go and get it when he returned, there was a very angry Chan behind him. When he saw me though, his face lit up. I stood up and walked towards him, giving him a hug. That's when we heard someone clear his throat behind us. It was Taeyong, and he did not look happy.

"Did Aspect invite you over?" Taeyong asked him, taking a step towards us.

"No actually. I came over because I haven't been able to see her for a few weeks" Chan told him, calmly. Although I could sense how tense this situation was.

"So then who invited you into our base?" Taeyong questioned, clicking his tongue. Chan looked at him with a confused look. So, Taeyong continued. "If you did not gain permission from any of us, then you are not welcome. Please see yourself out" Taeyong spoke in a fake kind voice. Chan looked at him like he was ridiculous.

"I give him permission to be here, Taeyong" I spoke up, not wanting Chan to have to leave and things be uncomfortable between us. Taeyong looked at me like I was psycho, and I guess that's when it clicked for Chan. 

Chan carefully pushed me aside before stepping up to Taeyong. "So you're the reason why Aspect's been 'busy' these past few weeks" Chan said, putting quotations around busy. Then he slipped his hands back in his pockets. "Why have you been keeping her away from me?" Chan asked, licking his lips. Taeyong picked his chin up, making himself appear taller. Although it didn't matter, he was already taller than Chan.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Taeyong smirked, egging Chan on. Chan just laughed at him, and Taeyong kept the smirk.

"Yeah, really? You don't know? Well how about I jog your memory" Chan spoke before landing a right hook directly to Taeyong's left cheek, breaking the skin due to the rings on Chan's fingers and the force of the punch. Taeyong stumbled back, surprised that Chan would dare hit him, but quickly caught himself, holding his cheek. Everyone jumped out of their seat and some held back Taeyong. I on the other hand grabbed Chan and turned him to look at me.

"I think he get's it Chan. Leave, before this gets serious. I'll text you later and I promise we can hang out okay? I don't care what it takes just leave, now" I told him, trying my best to get him to leave before him or Taeyong do something they'll regret. Chan looked from me, to Taeyong and sighed.

"Alright Aspect. I'm hoping you're right," he said before he quickly left the house. I sighed and turned back to Taeyong, who was still holding his cheek in shock. Nobody else knew what to say, and neither did I. So I walked up to Taeyong and grabbed the hand that wasn't stationed on his face.

"Come with me, I'll get you cleaned up"

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