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~Aspect's P.O.V~

As Taeyong and Yangyang brought Yukhei to Taeil I hugged Jaehyun, as tightly as I could. "What the fuck did I just do?" I cried into his shoulder. I couldn't believe I blacked out like that, and hurt him as badly as I did.

Jaehyun hugged me back just as tight and let me cry into him. When he pulled away he looked me in the eyes and wiped my tears. "Relax Aspect, you didn't mean to hurt him that bad. What he said to you and what he did wasn't okay either. In my opinion he deserved it" Jaehyun tried to console me, but I just shrugged, wiping the rest of my tears and pulling myself together. I ignored all the burning in my ribs and just backed up away from Jaehyun.

"H-Hey, I think I'm gonna go and get some sleep. Goodnight, Jaehyun" I told him, before swiftly exiting the room and heading to mine. Although on my way, I saw the majority of NCT out in the living room.

Once they noticed me they perked up. "Yo what the hell happened to Lucas?" Mark asked me, and I sighed. Everyone else followed with the questionings and I didn't feel like dealing with it.

"We sparred today and I was paired up against Lucas, and yeah" I mumbled the last part, rubbing the back of my neck. Kun ran up to me and pulled up my shirt, seeing how bad all the bruises were on my stomach and ribs.

"You sparred with Lucas? Out of all people today? Taeyong seriously did that when your physical activity should be limited? Well I'm glad you beat him but we need Taeil to check you out to make sure he didn't do some serious damage. I swear I'm gonna-" I cut Kun off with a shake of my head.

"No, there's no need. I feel fine. Taeil's busy with Lucas right now anyway so I'm just gonna go upstairs and go to bed" I told Kun, tired of dealing with this whole situation. Just as he was about to scold me, Jaemin stood up.

"You know he's right, Aspect. Those bruises look worse than before, you should really get them checked out" He stated, crossing his arms. I still shook my head.

"but Taeil's busy with Lucas. I don't-" now it was Jaemin's turn to cut me off.

"I'll do it, just please let me. I'll meet you in your room in 15 minutes. Be ready" Jaemin told me, sternly. I sighed but obliged as I quickly went to take a shower before going to my room.

~Time Skip~

As Jaemin felt around my ribs, I resisted the urge to scream. It hurt so bad, and I think he could tell by my face. "How does it feel right here?" He asked, gently pressing down on a certain spot. I groaned really loud and he nodded, as he felt around some more. After around 5 minutes of pure torture, he pulled away, taking his gloves off and discarding them in the garbage.

"Yeah, you hurt a few ribs again. Nothing major just you bruised some worse than they already were. It was just two on your right side. You'll be fine, just bed rest for the entirety of tomorrow and no training for a week. When you go back to training, nothing major. I'll be sure to emphasize that to the dumbass we have as our leader" Jaemin explained, rolling his eyes at the last part. I just smiled slightly at him and he returned the smile.

"I know it's difficult but I heard what happened from Yangyang, try not to think about it too much, alright? After all, in the end he hurt you a lot more than you hurt him. And he did it first, so don't worry. No one's mad at you either, so please don't think that okay? Good night now, Aspect. Try and get some rest" Jaemin told me, giving me reassurance. I appreciated the thought and gave him a real smile. I was thankful for his words and I wanted him to know that.

"Thank you, Jaemin. For everything, I really appreciate it" I told him, honestly. He smiled brighter and laughed slightly.

"Of course, not a problem. Let me know if you need anything okay?" He asked and I nodded. We said good night one last time and then he left, turning off my light for me on the way out. It was only a matter of minutes before I was fast asleep, leaving all my thoughts in the past.

~Time Skip~

I woke up to a knock at my door. I checked the time on the clock and saw it read '3:29 am'. I groaned at the fact that someone just woke me up. "Who is it?" I lazily called out, and then I saw someone enter. I didn't recognize who it was until they spoke.

"I can't sleep. I was too worried about you" The voice said softly, closing the door behind them. Then they crawled into bed and pulled me closer to them, sighing gratefully at my touch. I rested into them and closed my eyes, already ready to go back to sleep.

"I'm fine, Taeyong. But I'm seriously so tired so I'm going back to sleep" I mumbled, already feeling myself drifting back off to sleep. He chuckled slightly at my response and I felt his chest vibrate.

"Of course, sorry for bothering you Aspect. Good night" He told me, and so I smiled as I fell asleep. Content in Taeyong's arms.

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