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Time Jump

December 16, 2005

Stevie was making dinner, Lindsey was at a doctor's appointment, but he'd be home in a little while. He had messed up his back and had been seeing a chiropractor for a few weeks. Her head turned to the arch way and she smiled as her son walked into the room. He was 20 years old now, attending university. He knew he was going to be king someday, but Stevie and Lindsey still wanted him to have a decent education so he could do something until he succeeded to the throne. Hopefully Stevie had a couple decades left, but even so, they didn't want their son to be a bump on a long for twenty or thirty years waiting until  it was his time to shine. 

Stevie and Lindsey really did try to keep their children's royal appearances to a minimum and had been since they were little. It wasn't anything to do with the monarchy or the people, it was more so the fact that they just wanted their kids to have privacy. 

"Hi baby boy." Stevie coos when he walks in completely.

"Mom, he groans going over and wrapping his arms around her. He was taller than her, most people were, but he towered over her at six-foot. Lindsey was five-ten, so how their son got THAT tall was a mystery. Even though he was bigger he molded into her body and she squeezed him tightly.

"I missed you." 

"I missed you to mom." He says pulling away and kissing her cheek. 

"How was your semester?" She asks.

"Long, I'm glad to be done..." He trails off.

"You've only got three more and they're going to fly by. I promise you." Stevie assures rubbing his back before going back to chopping the onions. 

"Where's thing one and thing two?" He asks.

"Hopefully, doing their homework in their rooms." Stevie rolls her eyes. 

"I'm going to go bother them. It's Friday, they can do their homework tomorrow." He quickly makes his way over to the staircase. 

Stevie chuckles and just goes back to making the dinner. She was dropping the onions in her pan, when she heard the side door open. 

"How was your appointment?" She asks when he comes around and kisses her.

"A relief...I think I'm going to have to have to get an MRI or something." He states.

"I'll give you a massage tonight." She tells him.

"Your Majesty..."he gawks, but he grabs her backside anyway. 

"Not that kind of massage." She elbows him in the rib.

"Awe man." He whines. 

"I swear sometimes it's like your sex depraved." She rolls her eyes.

"But I am..." He pouts.

"Oh no you're not." She shakes her head.

"Once every two weeks is just not enough." He whines.

"Hush." She warns wielding her chopping knife at him as she moves to the red peppers. 

He cackled, and then William came back into the kitchen. He had one petite sister, thrown over her shoulder, the other one he had in a football hold.

"MOM MAKE HIM STOP!" The blonde, Luna, whines from her post by his hip, her legs flailing behind her.

"Put them down." Stevie rolls her eyes.

"I can't have any fun." He pouts letting his sisters down. 

Stella and Luna were fraternal twins to the core. Stella was taller, she was about five-six, taking after her father. She was a brunette with big blue denim eyes and curly hair. She was a female version of Lindsey, same face, temperament, and attitude. She tended to dress in the skimpier outfits. Stevie didn't approve of half of them, but she'd wear them anyway. She had a thing for horses and she had a decent future as a jockey. Luna was a carbon copy of Stevie. Same blonde hair, same big brown eyes. They had the same height and the same face. She liked bright colors and etherial things. She wasn't much for horses but she did love drawing and painting. She was even a ballerina. The twins didn't really like each other. For some reason they pissed each other off to no end. It was just little habits and pet peeves and they'd push each other a little too far. But at the end of the day, they had a really amazing bond. If one was hurting, the other one would know and they'd try to comfort and make it better. If one was sick, but the other wasn't, the healthy one would take care of the sick one.

 When they were five, Luna had gotten really sick. She had complications being a preemie and her lungs weren't the best, and she had gotten pneumonia. She was hospitalized for it. Stevie stayed in the hospital with her, but Stella freaked out. Lindsey would have to physically haul her out of the hospital room every afternoon and then she'd scream for at least two hours after wards. Luna wasn't any better, Stevie having to console her,  but she was sick so she physically couldn't make that big of a scene. 

And on top of it all, there were just days when the two of them would curl up together. They wouldn't talk, they wouldn't engage in any way they'd just curl up in bed together, on the sofa together, in the middle of the floor, didn't matter, and then they'd just lay there.  

"Stella, why don't you set the table. Luna get the drinks for everyone please. William, get your suitcase out of the middle of my kitchen." Stevie instructs as Lindsey settles in at the head of the table. 

The children complain and groan, but they do their chores as Stevie pulled out their dinner. She was making fajitas and several members of the family, liked to top their fajitas with sautéed onions and peppers. 

As Stevie served her family, she couldn't help but smile and as they had all started eating, Stevie pushed her chair back and stood up. She made her way around the table and then she wrapped her arms around Lindsey's shoulders and kissed his cheek.

"What did you do to me?" She asks.

"What do you mean?" Lindsey questions as their children looked at them from the table.

"I went into that courting ball twenty, three years ago with the intention of finding a husband, having a baby, and living a life so totally different than this...but you did something to me." She tells smiles. "I wouldn't want anything else Lindsey." 

"Well my queen, I just loved you. And I do, love you." He smiles grabbing her arms and turning his head lightly to kiss her cheek.

"I love you too...All four of you." 

The End

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