5. Brook

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November 3, 2020 (7 weeks along)

"Brook, sweetie?" I heard my mother's sweet voice as she knocked on my door before she opened it poking her in, "there's a Jacob here to see you," she raised a brow making me bite my lip as I finished getting Grayson ready for our date with Jacob.

"Thank you Mama, can you let him know that we'll be down in a bit?" I asked and she nodded

"Is he, you know?" She asked and I nodded in confirmation to her unspoken question making her nod her head, "does he know?"

"Yes," I answered and she nodded again, and I sighed, "He's understanding and despite his bad boy imagine, he's not that bad. He actually asked to bring Grayson on our date when I told him about him,"

"Alright, if you say so," she said before smiling, "just be carful alright?"

"I know mama," I murmured and she nodded shaking her head,

"I'll go save that boy from being interrogated by your father and brother," she said before leaving closing the door behind her. I rolled my eyes and looked down at my soon to be three year old and smiled.

"Alright, baby, you ready to meet mama's friend?" I asked and he beamed nodding his little head making me smile, "then let's go."

I made sure I had my keys, wallet and diaper bag before expiring my room with Grayson perched on my hip. I'm going to enjoy this as much as I can because once I begin showing it'll be difficult to carry him. I climbed the stairs carefully with my arms full and just as got to the last step, I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to see Jacob smiling as he took the diaper bag off of my shoulder.

"Th-thank you," I whispered as I felt my face heat up with a blush and he smiled. I could feel the eyes of my family staring and ignored them, "Sorry if I kept you waiting,"

"No worries. I figured you were getting this little guy ready," he replied looking down at Grayson who blinked up at Jacob with his big round blue eyes before smiling around his pacifier.

"So where are you taking them?" I looked towards my Dad and Jacob smiled

"I was thinking of taking them to the carnival that's in town and then to eat," he replied and I blinked. I haven't been to a carnival in a while. Not since I had Grayson. Dad looked just as surprised as I was, mom, Wynter and Vic smiled though my brother was looking at Jacob as if he was mentally communicating with him. "I'll have them both home by 10 no later."

My parents and Vic nodded while Wynter wiggled her brows with a smirk making me roll my eyes.

"Good," Dad said before looking at Grayson who rested his head on my shoulder and smiled, "you be good for mommy okay?"

"Ready?" Jacob asked and I nodded and after a few couple more words were exchanged with Dad telling us to be safe and to have fun. Jacob held the door open for me and I smiled thanking him before letting him lead us to his car. "So I kinda of bought a car seat for Grayson,"

I blinked surprised as I saw his tan face get a tint of pink, "you shouldn't have, I had one in my car."

"I know but I was actually hoping that if this date goes well, that we can do it again, and I don't want you to have to move his car seat from car to car when we take mine." He rubbed the back of his neck and I shook my head with a smile.

"That was actually really thoughtful and sweet." I said as I placed Grayson into the car seat that Jacob had bought, "and you actually got one that's almost similar to the one I have in mine."

"Really?" He asked surprised and I nodded, "I googled to see what car seat was the safest for a two year old and went and got it."

"Did your mom ask you anything when she saw it?" I asked once I had securely strapped Grayson ir not en car seat before moving back to close the door and thanked him when Jacob held the passenger door open.

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