8. Jacob

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November 22, 2020  (9 weeks and 5 days along)

"Do you have Instagram? Or Twitter?" Brook asked making me raise a brow as we drove towards the hospital, I nodded and she grinned before looking it up when I gave her the handles for both, and not even a second later my phone buzzed indicating I had a new notification. "You better follow me back,"

I chuckled as I stopped at a red light that was a few feet from the hospital and pulled out my phone to see that BrooklynPayne had followed me on both my Twitter and Instagram before pressing the follow back.

"Was that song you were recording about our baby?" I asked making her blink with her hand going to her flat belly as a blush coated her cheeks and she gave me a small nod, "it's beautiful."

"Yeah?" She asked voice timid and I nodded reaching to take her hand in and lacing our fingers together before lifting them to my lips and pressing a kiss to her knuckles.

"Yes," I replied with a smile as I turned onto the hospital parking lot.

She smiled and took off her belt once I had the car parked, "Come on, we've got a special person we need to surprise,"

I chuckled as I followed after her and laced our fingers as we met at the front of the car before entering the building and went up to her floor.

Once the elevator came to a stop on the floor that Tory was in, we made our way to her room, "wait here. I'm going to in and talk to her for a bit before coming to get you." I said and Brook nodded with a wide smile ready to surprise my sister who has been her fan since she first heard her on the radio.

"Big Brother!" Tory grinned when she saw me as I stepped into her wearing a mask—seeing as it was required to see her— and I smiled walking closer to her be, "You came."

"Of course I did," I said sitting on the edge of her bed and gently grabbing her hand, "But I also brought you a surprise" her tired eyes brightened at that as a small smile overtook her features.

"Really?" She asked and I nodded,

"I'm going to go outside and grab her okay?" I asked and she nodded looking over at Mom who smiled knowingly.

I got off the bed and walked to the door before smiling at Brook and beckoning her over, "Ready?"

She nodded and together we walked back towards Tory's bed where we saw her eyes go wide when she took in Brook's form standing beside me. Her eyes filled with happy tears and I looked at Brook who —also wore a mask—smiled as she walked to the bed and sat on the end of the bed.

"Hi, Tory," she greeted my sister with a soft voice.

"Oh my god," Tory gasped as she had a fan attack as she faced Brook, "Jacob you brought her?!" I chuckled as I sat on her other side and nodded, "I can't believe this is happening!"

Brook giggled at my sister's excitement before saying, "I heard you were a fan so I told your brother to bring me to see you,"

"Oh my god," Tory said again, "I can't believe this is happening,"

I walked over to sit beside mom while Brook and Tory got into conversation.

"She's a wonderful girl," Mom said as we looked at Brook and Tory and I couldn't agree more. "Have you asked her to be your girlfriend yet?"

"Mom," I groaned making her look over at me with a raised brow,

"It's a simple question, Musuko," she said and I rolled my eyes, "She's a keeper, you know." (Son)

"Watashi wa okāsan o shitte imasu," (I know mom) I replied and she nodded before we turned to look at the teen girls on the hospital bed to see them snapping selfies making me smile. Brook has been the first and only person that has treated Tory as if she wasn't sick. I bit my lip and thought of a way to ask Brook to be my girlfriend.

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