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"Ladies and gentlemen, we have begun our descent into Los Angeles, California. Please turn off all portable electronic devices and stow them until we have arrived at the gate. In preparation for landing in Los Angeles, be certain your seat back is straight up and your seat belt is fastened. Please secure your carry-on items, stow your tray table, and pass any remaining service items and unwanted reading materials to the flight attendants. Thank you."

The pilot announced as the pane began to descend into LAX international airport. We got the kids safely buckled in their seats and prepared for landing. As we touched down on the runway, the excitement of finally arriving in Los Angeles set in.

"We're finally home," Jacob said as the familiar view of the city skyline came into view.

"I know," I said, "as much as I enjoyed touring the world and singing to our fans, nothing beats being home."

We had just finished our world tour, traveling to different countries and performing for thousands of fans. It was an exhilarating experience, but the feeling of coming back to our own city was unmatched.

We've been gone for a year and we're finally back home. As the plane made its safe landing, and the pilot thanking us for flying with him, we unbuckled our belts and stood from our seats.

As we made our way off the plane and into the airport, we were greeted by cheering fans and paparazzi. It was overwhelming, but also a reminder of the impact our music had on people. As we made our way to the exit, we were greeted by our families and close friends, who were all eager to welcome us back.

Making sure that both Hina and Gray's faces were out of view from paparazzi and fans, we exited the airport with our parents and siblings trialing behind us with both Vic and Sam pushing our luggage to the waiting car. As we made our way through the airport, I couldn't help but feel relieved that we had managed to escape the chaos that usually surrounded us whenever we traveled.

Once inside the car, Hina and Gray let out a simultaneous sigh of relief, and I couldn't help but chuckle at their synchronized response. It was times like these when we were all together as a family that I cherished the most. Despite the craziness of our lives, we always made sure to put family first.

As we drove away from the airport, I caught a glimpse of the familiar city skyline, and I felt a sense of nostalgia wash over me. It had been a while since we had been back home, and I was looking forward to spending some much-needed time with our loved ones.

As we arrived at our family's home, we were greeted by our excited relatives and friends. It was a warm and joyful reunion, and we spent the entire evening catching up and reminiscing about old times.

The next few days were filled with laughter, good food, and adventures around the city. We made sure to keep a low profile to avoid any unwanted attention, but it didn't stop us from enjoying our time together.


"I heard that your tour was going to be turned into a movie," Clary said a few days later when Jacob and I got together with her and the rest of our friends. Jacob's parents offered to watch the kids for us for a few hours while spent time catching up with them after being gone for a year due to touring.

"Yeah, my parents said that there had been a movie director during our concerts that we later had met at our last show in Spain." I said and she nodded, "we don't know when the movie will be released though."

"That's understandable," Cici said, taking a sip of her drink. "It's a big project to take on. But it's so exciting! I can't wait to see all the behind-the-scenes stuff and the concert footage. It's going to be epic."

"We should have a premiere party when it comes out," Jett suggested, grinning. "We could rent out a theater and make a big event out of it."

"That sounds like so much fun," I replied, feeling a surge of excitement at the idea. "We could even invite some of our fans. It would be a night to remember."

As we chatted and laughed, I couldn't help but feel grateful for the friends who had supported me and Jacob throughout our time on the road. It was good to be back, surrounded by familiar faces and familiar laughter. And the thought of our tour being immortalized on the silver screen filled me with a sense of pride and accomplishment.

After a while, Jacob and I headed home, feeling energized and full of ideas for the future. It was going to be a wild ride, but I couldn't wait to see where it would take us. And I knew that with my friends by my side, anything was possible.

"DADDY! Mommy!" Grayson exclaimed as we walked into Jacob's family home to pick Hina and Grayson up.

"Hi baby," I cooed as his mom and Trevor greeted us with smiles, "were you good for your abuelitos?"

"Yes, Daddy! We played outside and abuelito made me my favorite snack," Grayson said excitedly.

"That sounds like fun," I replied, ruffling his hair before turning to Jacob's parents, "Thank you so much for looking after them. We really appreciate it."

"It was our pleasure," Addison beamed, "They're such sweet kids."

We smiled and were even invited to stay for dinner and after chatting for a little while longer, we gathered the kids' belonging and bid the couple a good night before heading home.  As we drove home, Jacob and I couldn't help but feel grateful for the support of our friends and family. It meant so much to have people who believed in us and were there for us, especially as we embarked on this new chapter in our lives.

When we arrived home, the kids were exhausted and ready for bed, but Jacob and I stayed up late, bouncing ideas off each other and making plans for the future. We were both passionate and driven, and it was clear that we made a great team.

As we finally settled into bed, I couldn't shake the feeling of excitement and anticipation for what was to come. The possibilities were endless, and I knew that with Jacob by my side, we could handle anything that came our way.

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