16. Rather Be

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Author's Note

Hey Hoolies!

First, I want to apologize for leaving you guys hanging for nearly three months. Its been especially difficult for me to write for some time. I wanted to have write good chapters for you guys but I was having trouble with them and I thought that I would be better for me to take a break rather than to post poorly written chapters.

Second, I want to thank all of the people who have continued to read my works while I was away. Just because I wasn't posting doesn't mean I didn't see you guys adding them to your reading lists, voting for them and commenting on them, I really do appreciate everyone of you and I'm sorry that If I don't say that enough.

Third, right now I am trying to get back to regular weekly posts so every Fridays for this fic. Also, because I haven't finished this chapter yet, I will be posting it in short bursts until it is finished. And another thing, this chapter may be a bit long. After than I will try to get back to posting entire chapters weekly.

Anyway, enough of my blabbering, here is the next chapter of Confidant! Read, please vote and please, please comment. Let me know how I'm doing. Thanks for all the support!




April 2014

I cross the small room once again and finally settle against the wall between Bruno's and Phil's bunks. Bruno's is the only one with it's curtain pulled aside. Just ahead is a straight shot to the kitchenette and the lounging area. I can hear the low hum of the radio and the guys going on and on about last night's concert. Through the phone pressed against my ear I hear music and and what sounds like a TV in the back ground.

"I miss you mommy," Angel chimes through the receiver. "Bia misses you too!"

I feel my lips part in to a wide smile. "I miss you too baby and I miss Bia," I say back.

"How many more sleeps until you come back?"

"Only three more sleeps, mommy will be back soon. And I have something for you when I get home ok?"

"You promise?"

"Yes mio, I promise."

"Ok," he pauses and I hear Bia's little voice in the background. "I love you mommy."

"I love you too Angel."

"Alright papi, let me speak to your mommy," Delancy says in the background. "Hey girl, you having fun touring all over the world with Bruno or are you dying to come home and see your babies?" She laughs and I join her.

"I miss you and I miss them too. Honestly, touring is fun I must say but that doesn't mean I'm not dying to come home. Living on a bus...not my thing."

"I miss you too sis," she pauses and for a second I think to ask her if something is wrong but before I can she begins speaking. "We haven't been away from each other for this long since we were minors. It's almost not home here without you."

"I know. When I come back we have to have some time together before the second leg of this tour." The separation anxiety hits me and for a moment, I'm even more homesick than I was before I called her.

"You better carve out some time for me," She teases.

"You know I will." I glance at the bunk room door and listen to the room closely before I choose to speak again. "How are Angel and Bia really? Are they doing ok?"

"They're good. Of course Angel always wants to Skype call you all the time and Bia, she's getting a little bit better with sleeping through the night. It's not easy to put her to sleep so I tire her out with activities during the day so she can sleep through the night; shes getting better."

"Thank you so much for all of this, I couldn't ask for a better best friend or better big sister.

"You know you don't have to say all of that, I know. I do this because I love you and I want you to have a chance to be happy." Just then I hear a commotion just outside the bunk room door. I hear Bruno yell something and laughter follows.

"D, I have to go; I think one of the guys are at the door."

"Alright, call me when you have some more free time."

"I will," I say slowly. "Love you sis."

I hit the end button on my phone and place it on Bruno's bunk. I'm only on his bunk for five minutes when G jumps up and parks himself right next to me with his head resting on my stomach. He whines softly, blinking his big dark eyes while shifting his burnt orange brows. I give him a good rub and he licks my hand.

"Geronimo!" I hear Bruno yell from the front of the bus. G begins whining again and he covers his face with one paw.

"What did you do?" I ask ruffling his ears. He shifts his brows again but gives no response. Seconds later the bunk room door opens revealing Bruno.

"G come here." Geronimo looks from Bruno to me and back but doesn't move a muscle. "You know you're in trouble right?"

"B, don't be mean to him," I say laughing at the fictitiously upset look on Bruno's face.

"I'm not being mean to him, I'm disciplining him," He replies trying feign a serious look . He walks leans up against the wall where I was only moments ago.

"What did he do?" I look up at him and he cross his arms over his chest.

"He ate my sandwich." I nearly burst with laughter.

"That's all he did?"

"Lace, I just made it!" he exclaims eyes wide with his hands in the air. I put it down for less then two minutes and when I looked back it was gone."

"Where exactly did you leave it?"

"On the table," he says looking slightly dumbfounded.

"The table? Really Bruno! You know he can reach that."

"Well, of course he can but he's never done this before!" he looks at me, brows raised and eyes open wide. I smile at him and slip out of the small space between his bunk and the one above it. I call Geronimo to me and he takes a seat in front of me. I hold my hand like a closed fist in front of G's snout and he stares directly at it.

"Up!" I say and I lift my hand. G stretches upward and sits one his hind legs. "Stay." I show G my flat palm and he doesn't move a muscle. I bend down and pull out the drawer beneath Bruno's bunk. Retrieve one of Geronimo's treats and walk back to him. I hold the treat up on my palm above his head. "Eat." Quickly Geronimo stretches upward and takes the treat from my palm with a single swipe of his tongue. G goes back down on all fours and lays down on the floor to enjoy his treat. I look to Bruno.

"You taught him that?" he stands and walks up to me so close I can feel his breath on my cheeks. I turn around and walk toward the bunk room door.

"I'm gonna go make something to eat, you want anything?" I look over my shoulder. Bruno grins and follows me to the door. I reach the knob to open it before I turn it he puts his left hand against the door keeping it closed. His eyes are on me, staring so intently at the back of my head that if I don't turn around, it feels as though they may burn right through me. I turn to him and look in to his eyes. He takes me by the back of the neck with the hand that's not pressed against the door, leans in and kisses me. He moves away and looks up in to my eyes then he kisses me on the forehead. His lips part into a cute half smile.

"I'm down for anything you feel like cooking."

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