7. Dark Paradise

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Everytime I close my eyes, its like a dark paradise, no one compares to you, I'm scared that you won't be waitng on the other side...

November 2010

Lacey's P.O.V

I gather a couple of pillows, blankets, and comforters then, I lay a several thick blankets out on the floor and set up the baby fence. I place Angel inside along with his favorite stuffed tiger, his sippy-cup and his pacifier. He settles in and quietly plays. I sit on the couch and flip on the TV but just as I begin to flip through the channels my phone rings.

"Hey B," I say with a smile. "What's up?"

"You sound like you're in a good mood," He says somewhat cheerfully but I can tell him mind is elsewhere.

"I am." I glance over at Angel who giggles and begins mumbling something to his tiger clutched in his chubby little hands.

"How come?"

"Got a baby sitting gig for extra cash." I lie.

"Nice, nice; if your happy then the kid must be good."

"He's great actually, causes me no problems." I say glancing over at my baby who quietly occupies himself in his cushioned fort.

"That's good...um...Lace?" He sounds unsure of his own words.


"I need to talk to you." I feel my stomach start to drop but suddenly it stops, suspending itself between my ribcage and my hip bones.

"Sure, no problem, what is it that you want to talk to me about?" the line grows quiet but I can hear a muffled sigh come through.

"I met someone..." He stalls; its clear that he is still trying to find the right words. "Her name is Jessica," he says uneasily. I can imagine him rubbing the back of his neck uncomfortably. "I'm interested in her and I really want to give things with her a try." My breath traps itself in the base of my throat as a wave nauseous washes over me. I swallow hard and attempt to invent some kind of answer.

"Uh huh..." is all I manage.

"But if I'm going to pursue her...things between us have to end." He swallows so hard I can hear it through the receiver.

"You want to try for a relationship with her but you want to make sure that there isn't anything that can jeopardize that."

"Yeah. I'm really interested in her but, I'm not saying that we can't be friends or that we can't talk but all of the other things have to end. I'm not trying to push you out of my life I..."

"Bruno, its ok, I understand. You want to try something serious. Its alright. You want to stay friends, that's good by me; I want to stay friends too."

"Thank you Lacey, I mean it." even my own nickname sounds unusual coming out of his mouth; whatever happened to his nickname for me? He's already distancing himself.

"There's nothing to thank me for. I'm sure she's a great person, I'll have to meet her someday." My throat feels so dry I have the sudden urge to cough.

"Yeah?" his tone lifts. He sounds as though a huge weight has been taken from his shoulders; lighter.

"Yeah, you know I have to make sure she's good for you, right?" I try and joke lightly.

"Right," he chuckles. "Thanks again Lacey; I'll hit you up."

"Again with the thanks? You didn't have to get my approval."

He laughs. "I know but I felt like it was something you should know." You'd think that something like this would just happen; he didn't have to ask my permission but yet he felt as though he had to have my approval.

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