5. Lost

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Author's Note

Happy firday Hoolies! Here's the next chapter of Condifant hope you enjoy it, please reade vote, leave comments! Wanna talk to meh? hit me up in my message bin or leave me something on my wall. Thank you all for the support and love. :D <3



Later in 2010...

L P.O.V.

"Just one more big push Laceanna, just one." The doctor looks over at me, prepared for the baby to come.

"You got this Lacey," Delancy says holding my hand. "Last one." I squeeze her hand, shut me eyes and tighten all the muscles in my body as I gather my strength. With a scream I push; my cry of pain is concluded by the agitated scream of a new voice, a new life, a new person. I try to catch my breath as the doctor and nurses whirl around in a dizzy flurry of movements like snowflakes caught up in bursts of wind.

"Lacey," D calls; her voice brings me back to the current time; to reality. "Can I cut the ambelical cord?" She grins with her brown eyes bright. I nod breathlessly and manage to give her a small smile. "Of course you're gonna be the auntie, you gotta start helping me out some time." I catch a glimpse of her smile as she goes to fulfill her "New Auntie Duties". The screaming continues as the doctor and the various nurses clean the baby, clear the nostrils, and prepare the baby to be held. They wrap the child in a white blanket and pull a small blue beanie over the head.

"Laceanna, meet your new baby boy." The doctor places him in my arms gently supporting the boy's head until it reaches the inside of my elbow. I hear more talking in the background but it is a mere muffle in my ears as I look at him; my baby. The baby opens his mouth to cry out again but as he settles his head against my chest his cries cease. He presses his dark head of tiny coil shaped curls into my chest a yawns slowly, allowing his entire little face to stretch. Once he rights himself, he opens his eyes slightly; I can only see slivers of his deep coffee colored eyes. He opens them wider and begins studying my face.

"Hi," I manage to say doing my best not to stumble over my words. He squints his eyes almost shutting them before making a tiny noise; he smiles. My heart relocates to my throat, attempting to escape my body as I notice tiny dimples in his soft cheeks; he drops his chin and closes his eyes, within seconds he is asleep.

"What are you going to name him?" Delancy asks standing beside me, marveling at the newborn.



2 months later.

Leaning in close, I press my lips against the silky skin of my baby's head; I slip my index finger out of his tiny fragile hand. He shifts in the center of his crib adjusting his little head before he settles in to a soundless sleep. Quietly I slip out of my bedroom. I pad over to the kitchen, open the refrigerator and take a half can of Green Tea Arizona from one of the shelves in the door. Just as I close the fridge, my phone begins ringing.

"Hello?" a familiar voice on the other line says. I settle in to the right corner of the couch as I feel myself smile at the sound of his voice. Bruno. His voice; these days it brings heat to my face. The comfort that lies in it makes miss his even more than I already have over these past couple of months. No contact with him has actually put more of a strain on me than I thought it would; I believed it would be like all the other times I weaned myself off of contact with men or even acquaintances but this is different.

"Hey," I reply.

"Finally I got you." I marvel at the soft TV-personality tone to his voice that I noticed the first time I met him.

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