Chapter 12

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Jeff's POV
I was awake before (Y/N). Slender sent me, the proxies, and Laughing Jack on a quick mission; kill a few people who spotted us. We got back as she walked down the stairs, hair brushed straight and everything. "Hi." She nodded to us. I nodded back. "Hey." They went off to report to Slender, leaving me and (Y/N) by the stairs. "So... Wanna go train?" I asked.

Your POV
"So... Wanna go train?" Jeff asked. You nodded. "Sure!" You were handed a pocketknife. "Let's go then." The killer said. He lead you to a clearing that had a couple targets and dummies set up. "Alright. Know any good moves?" He questioned. "Err.." You hesitated for a moment. "Whenever you're ready, tell me." He got into a battle stance and waited as you went over any battle moves you knew in your head. Swipe, block if needed, lunge... You thought. "Take your time." Jeff's voice broke into your thoughts. After a few more moments, you looked at him and nodded. "Ready. On your count." You said suddenly. "Three.. Two... One." You barely had time to react as Jeff lunged, almost tripping you. You swiped, feeling something slide across your blade. Jeff's sleeve. The killer hardly reacted as he aimed a swipe, causing you to flinch and close your eyes. Seizing his advantage, he kicked your feet out from under you, his blade inches away from your face. "I would've killed you by now." He stated. You opened your eyes as he sheathed his weapon and held out a hand. Taking it, he helped you up. "When I aim, block at the right moment, then land a blow. It'll most likely stun the opponent long enough for you to knock 'em down and kill them." He instructed. You nodded. Several times, no matter what, you ended up on the ground somehow. Every time he told you some more advice. Finally, when you were close to giving up, you "accidentally" tripped him. He looked stunned for a moment before looking up at you. "Not bad." He said. "Next round?"
Hey! Sorry for not updating in a while! I'm getting ready for my "M-Step" (??) testing and such. It's the weekend (YAY!) so I might update again. Well, see you all soon!! :D

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