Chapter 17

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(This chapter will only be in Jeff's POV. I'm still coming up with (Y/N)'s nightmare. Plus Zalgo is kinda cool.)
(Also side note, this is an AU. None of this stuff is canon and such. Just my AU XD)

  Jeff's POV
I've been worried about her since Zalgo attacked. She... She's been quiet and slightly clingy ever since then. Sighing, I softly closed her bedroom door. (Y/N) had fallen asleep and, very recently, had been having nightmares. They ended the same way; having to watch some demons, or Zalgo's followers, torture and kill someone she cared for, or she would get tortured endlessly until she woke up. I talked to EJ about it, but he says it's probably because Zalgo's attack, and it'll stop soon.
That was two months ago.
The nightmares haven't stopped, and Smile wakes me up at the right times to comfort her.
Almost every night, she asks me to stay with her. It's slowly getting harder and harder for her to sleep, and now I'm staying with her every night. Tonight was one of the few that I couldn't. Slender had chosen me, Masky, Hoodie, Toby, BEN, Laughing Jack, and Eyeless Jack to go with him to talk to Zalgo about this.
Back to the present, I went downstairs and grabbed my weapons, waiting for everyone else to get ready. EJ had his normal weapons, plus some bandages and other medical supplies in case things turned for the worst.
(Y/N), who was sitting on the couch, watched us. It was easy to see that she was uneasy; it was in her eyes and in the way she spoke.
While the others gathered at the door, I stayed with her.
"You'll.. You'll be back soon, right..?" She asked.
I nodded. "Of course."
The conversation went on for a few minutes, then Slender appeared in the room.
'Is everyone ready?' He asked.
When the group nodded, we left.
The walk to the portal to Zalgo's realm was silent. I was too lost in thought, and the Proxies were either alert or communicating with Slenderman. We could have teleported or "Sledner-Walked", but the "wise and powerful" Slender was too weak for that at the moment.
Eventually, the portal came into view.
'You know the drill.' Slender sent to us. 'No attacking unless given the order.' That part was directed at me, mostly. I'm usually the first one to attack and almost get myself killed.
Without hesitation, we walked through the portal.   

I was tense as soon as we got through the portal. Zalgo's followers were never fond of our visits, and those around the portal glared at us with hate. No one tried attacking, though. No one tried even insulting us, either. With Slenderman right there, it wouldn't be pretty.
The walk wasn't far, in fact we were only walking for about three minutes, when we got to the tower-like structure.

Inside, the structure was bigger than it looked. The black-colored walls, which seemed to be made of shadows, were completely bare, excluding the occasional red torch thing that finished the room's eerie feel. In the dim light, I saw a few glints flashing off of the others' weapons as they were unsheathed, and eventually I gripped the handles of my knives. The uneasiness was getting worse.

And it wasn't because we were in Zalgo's home.

Slender turned his head, 'looking around' as if he thought we were being followed, then he lead us up a spiral staircase that seemed to last forever. Finally, we reached the top.

And came to a dead end.

"What the hell?!" BEN exclaimed, irritation lacing his eyes. "We came all this way just to- OW!"
I glanced to the two standing next to me, LJ and BEN, as the monochrome clown quickly elbowed the smaller male in the side.
"Shut it." Laughing Jack snapped, his almost always cheerful tone suddenly cold.
Slender turned to face us. 'Silence. All of you. Behind this wall, lay whatever remains of Zalgo's soul. Do not speak while we are in this room.'
We all watched as Slender turned back to the wall and placed his hand on it. Moments later, it faded away to reveal a completely dark room.
"Er... His... Sou-" BEN was interrupted when LJ elbowed him again.
I heard one of the Proxies scoff behind me, and I just rolled my eyes.
Slender ignored it all and walked into the room, almost immediately disappearing in the thick darkness of the room. The rest of the group followed him.
Once we were all in the room, a small, blood red flame-like light appeared in the middle of the room.
"" The voice seemed weak, as did the flame, but I noticed the light grow brighter.
'Zalgo.' Slender's tone was harsh, and he seemed to spit the demon's name.
"It's strange seeing you here, Slenderman. One moment, let me get myself together here..."
We stood in silence, but tensed when we heard footsteps. Moments after the red light dimmed dramatically, a man with short, brown hair walked out of the shadows. His eyes were closed, but when he opened them they were glowing a sickly red with some traces of yellow in them. He was wearing a casual gray button up shirt and black jeans, and even a matching jacket to boot.
The newcomer grinned. "Now then," his voice had the same twinge of insanity Zalgo's always had. "would you like to explain why you're here?"
Heehehehh cliffhanger. You guys seem to like those.
I just want to thank you all for sticking with me this long, even when I didn't update for almost an entire year.
And yes I changed a few things. BEN and LJ are now on the trip heheheh
Also I hope Jeffery didn't kill naluyoutuber1 yet.
If he did..
*Slaps the fuCK OUT OF JEFF*

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