Chapter 14

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You're gonna hate me. Sorry.

Your POV
You woke up when you heard rapid knocking on your bedroom door.
"(Y/N)!" It was Jeff. "(Y/N), wake up!"
You grunted but hurried and got dressed, making yourself look presentable, then opened the door. You've never seen Jeff look as terrified as he is now.
"Zalgo is attacking. I gotta get you out of here!" Without waiting for a reply, he grabbed your hand tightly and the two of you ran downstairs and into the backyard.
Your heart was pounding out of your chest, and every instinct was screaming at you to pull away and run home. But you didn't. It may sound crazy, but you didn't want to leave Jeff behind. So, you continued to follow him.
"W-When did he get here?" You asked, almost breathless.
"Not too long ago. As soon as Smile caught his scent, I ran back to get you and take you somewhere safe. But by the time I got back, they were fighting..." He trailed off, as if not wanting to remember.
Sympathy took over, and your grip on his hand tightened. He suddenly froze, looking around.
"(Y/N), run."
With a gentle push from the male, you ran, only to be grabbed by something. You let out a cry of fear and reflexively grabbed onto the arm that was holding a blade to your throat.
"You should've listened, Jeffrey."
"She has nothing to do with our past quarrels! Let her go." Jeff snapped, knives in hand.
You felt something trickle down your neck, causing you to panic even more. The attacker left one small cut in your throat before shoving you forward. Jeff had dropped his knives in order to catch you mid-fall.
"Stay behind me." He muttered into your ear.
You quickly hid behind Jeff, eyes wide and a hand on your neck. You finally saw the figure in front of you, causing your heart to lurch.
IT was Zalgo himself.
Jeff growled insults while Zalgo tried to trick him into "giving the girl".
Jeff suddenly snarled "Never!" And lunged at Zalgo.
The fight was a blur of black, red, and a bit of white. You hid behind a tree, tears threatening to fall, and watched the demon fight the killer. Jeff was flung suddenly, but slid to a safe-ish stop right beside you.
"Run. Go far away from here. As fast as you can. Go!" Jeff said as he attacked Zalgo again.
Listening, you turned and ran, only to feel something hit your arm. You turned to see a (F/C) (Fave color) pocketknife laying on the ground with your name carved into the handle. You grabbed it and continued to run. Something grabbed you, and every instinct screamed at you to fight back, so you did. You elbowed the attacker, a person this time but you knew he was Zalgo's follower, in the stomach, then used the pocketknife to try to attack him. Without a second thought, you swung and cut his throat. He fell, and you ran. As you ran, you heard a blood curdling scream, causing you to scream out his name.

Jeff X Reader [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now