Chapter 16

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Your POV


You woke up to find yourself in your room. Slightly confused, you sat up.
"Finally." A familiar voice spoke quietly.
You turned your head to see a bandaged-up Jeffery leaning against the wall. "Jeff! Eyeless let you come up here?"
"Yeah." He replied, voice still sounding weak. "I was able to leave soon after he got my side taken care of."
You walked over to him and gently hugged him. "I'm just glad you're gonna live."
You heard him chuckle and mutter something before the two of you went downstairs.
Slender met you at the bottom of the steps.
"It's about time (Y/N) learned how to fight against Zalgo's forces, and maybe even go on her first spree." He sent (Or said. Whatever..)
You and Jeff exchanged a glance as he went on. "There is this small house on the edge of the forest, luckily, no where near a city where you'll be seen. Go there and work together to finish off whoever lives there. They shouldn't be hard to wipe out."
"Yes, Slender." The two of you said in unison.
Slenderman gave you a piece of paper with an address on it. The two of you grabbed your weapons and headed to your destination. On the way, you felt almost... Scared.
"Since this is your first spree, you'll only have to kill one resident." Jeff said suddenly, breaking the silence.
"Kay." You replied, lost in thought.
Jeff cast a sideways glance at you. "It'll be fine, trust me."
You simply nodded.
The rest of the walk was silent. When the house came into view, you two seemed to speed up. Before you knew it, you were at the front door. Jeff opened the door and walked in, but you hesitated.
"Come on." Jeff invited. "The sooner we get this started the sooner we can go home."
You nodded and walked in, looking around. The house was pitch black and silent, aside from faint snoring coming from the living room.
"Stay close." Jeff whispered.
Without second thought, you grabbed his hand. Surprisingly, he didn't retract his hand. Instead, he gently gripped your hand in return.
"You get the person in the living room. If you want, after you kill him I can take you upstairs and you can kill some more residents." He whispered, leading you through the darkness to the source of the soft snoring.
"But, how should I.."
"Quick and easy or slow and painful. Don't matter, as long as he dies." He answered your almost unasked question.
You nodded slowly as he headed upstairs. You turned to look at the sleeping male and raised the pocketknife Jeff had slipped in your pocket. Closing your eyes, you whispered two simple words.
"I'm sorry..."
Suddenly, a scream from upstairs stopped you in your tracks. The male instantly woke and looked around frantically. When he saw you, he almost screamed. But you stopped him by stabbing his throat. Blood dripped out of his mouth and he fell back, body twitching, then he went still. You stood there, motionless, then shook your head and ran upstairs. When you got there, Jeff was walking out of a bedroom, licking some blood off his fingers.
"Did I frighten you?" He asked, putting his hands in his pockets.
You quietly growled at him. "Who screamed?"
"The teens in there. Heh... They didn't see me coming." He grinned.
"Let's just-" You were cut off by a gun cocking behind you.
Jeff was frozen. Turning, you saw a man with a pistol. You felt someone grab you and you were suddenly behind the other male, who was glaring at the target.
"Don't move or guts will fly." The male threatened.
By now, you were shaking in fear. Jeff protectively pushed you farther behind him as he tried to confront the man. As if knowing he was going to fire, he shoved you to the side and dodged as a bullet flew at his leg.
Jeff turned to you. "Help me get the g-" He was cut off by the man tackling him.
You could only stare as Jeff's knife was knocked out of reach, but he was able to knock the gun out of the man's hand.
"Get it!" Jeff muttered, struggling to keep the man from punching his chest.
You grabbed the gun and aimed, hands shaking. Closing your eyes, you pulled the trigger.
The only noise that could be heard was Jeff's soft panting. You opened one eye and dropped the gun, watching him push the now limp body off of him. He walked over to you and wrapped his arms around you in a quick hug.
"Let's get moving before the cops arrive." He sighed.
You could only nod as the two of you walked out of the house. You gradually gained speed when sirens were heard, and were soon running through the forest. Once back at the mansion, Jeff walked to Slender's office to report how the mission went, while you went into your room.
I just killed two people.. You thought.
"I just... I just killed two people." Even though you knew you wouldn't ever do something like that, you couldn't help but grin.
Still smiling a bit, you lay down and began to doze, not even realizing someone else was there. He stood in the doorway for a while before silently walking out.
Hey guys! Sorry for not updating in ALMOST THREE MONTHS! I just had a birthday party a few days ago and got a new pet, so I spent a few days with her. Also, school starts in a few weeks, sadly. I'm still trying to stick to a regular schedule. Maybe I'll update every 2-3 weeks? Will that work? :P Anyway, hope you enjoyed! Bye!

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