Chapter 4

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Well, we didn't quite get to the goal, but you were gonna get a new chapter anyway. So... Yeah. *hands out cookies* told you. Anyway, read the chapter!
You walked in the door, still thinking of the killer you met with a few moments ago. What's wrong with me?! He's a freaking killer! You thought, hanging your sweatshirt up and taking off your shoes. You grabbed a notebook, which was filled with drawings, and sketched. Realizing you were drawing an inhumane smile, you ripped out the paper and crumbled it up. After tossing in it the trash, you walked to your room and closed the door. Sitting on your bed, you yawned and soon fell into a dreamless sleep.

Jeff's POV (Yes I'm starting that too..) ----------------------------------------------
I can't believe I didn't kill her! Why didn't I kill her..? Oh.. Slender's gonna murder me! I walked to Slender's office and slowly knocked. Come in. He sent to me. Due to his lack of a mouth, telepathy.. You get the point.. Right? I opened the door. "She escaped." I lied. It wasn't a full lie, but it worked. He froze. "She what?" He stood up slowly. Shit... I thought. I'm screwed.. "Sir, I-" He interrupted me. "You let her escape?!" Now we were standing face to face. "Let me finish." I gulped. "I learned where she lives at least. If you want me to I can watch her again tonight." I forced my voice to stay steady. Slenderp looked irritated. (See what I did there?) "Fine. Learn more about her.." He teleported back to his desk, shooing me away. I walked out the door, heading outside. This'll be fun... I thought with a groan as I sat on the grass and began sharpening my knives. Another mission...
Sorry for taking so long to post this! School biz is getting on my nerves... Well, this new chappie is kinda dull. I'm tired and not feeling so well today.. Thanks everyone for reading this! I didn't think this story would get many reads. :D Thanks guys! Bai!

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