Chapter 1: Fates Intervention

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Silent tears ran down the wrinkled face of the old man, it was one hundred years today since she had died. One hundred sad lonely years, filled with sorrow and emptiness, his heart still yearned for her, his soul, his pained and tortured soul wept for her.

She had been fortytwo years old when her husband had killed her in a blind drunken rage; as a Weasley she had suffered twenty years of his abuse, twenty years without telling anyone about it. Abuse only discovered by her death at the hands of the brutal man.

Harry and she had both been thirty eight years old when they had both received the anonymous owls, the notes the owls brought had simply told them to ask in the record office for book Number one, on page five hundred and thirty, they would find something of great interest. They had through some strange twist of fate, turned up at the same time to look at the book, both carrying identical messages. They were best friends, had been for nearly all their lives, so they naturally looked at the book together.

They both knew, once they had read the entry, why they had lived such miserable lives, separately they had both been very unhappy, they read the entry together and together they had left the room. It was the last time he ever saw her alive, her fire and determination were gone, her spirit broken, she had simply said "it's too late," and left him standing watching her leave. The day she died he had known before he was told, he had felt it. His heart had broken just a little more and after so many long years he was still truly unhappy without her in his life, he missed her so much. In his long life he could count the happy days he had had on his fingers and toes.

Today he was one hundred and fortytwo years old, today he was to retire from the post of head of the Wizengamont, he wanted to spend his remaining years as the headmaster of Hogwarts with no other distractions. He had called in to the record office today just as he had done for exactly one hundred years; he stood at the small lectern and read the entry once again.

Entry Number 2904… Date 01. 01. 105,AD.

Hermione J Granger, D.O.B 19 September 1979, Harry J Potter, D.O.B 31 July 1980.

Expected Date of Union. 01 September 1991

Last Date on time limit 24 December 2019…

Date of Union… 00 Unfulfilled…

Harry looked again at the first page in the huge book. And read the page they had not read that first time.

Book of the Fated.

Warning to all written within.

Here in are the names of those chosen by fate to be together as soul-mates for all time. Let it be known throughout the world, that misery and torment for all eternity will befall any who wilfully prevent these unions. For those whose unions are never made complete, only a life of unhappiness remains. For those who find their soul-mate a simple kiss will complete their union.

But beware lest you stand to close to such an event.

If in this book you find your name then take heed, find your mate or suffer an eternal search. There will be no rest until two become one.

For those within the pages of this book are placed here by the power of the universe… Look now learn and be warned you can not escape fate

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